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I knew at some time in my lifetime I would probably have to write this column, but I really expected it to be under different circumstances. Today’s paper will officially be the last published by our family.

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On Saturday, June 11, Alabamians and out-of-state visitors alike will have the opportunity to fish for free in most public waters including both freshwater and saltwater.

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Joshua Russell Hegar Jr. was recently presented with Scouting’s highest honor, the Eagle Scout award, during a court-of-honor ceremony held on May 21.

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Roy Hoobler and the Masterworks Choir will have an afternoon of great music on Sunday, June 12, from 2 until 4 p.m. The program will feature Broadway selections from West Side Story and Into The Woods.

The Coffee County Board of Education met Thursday, May 26, and approved Jared Robison as the probationary principal at Zion Chapel School. Robison is currently the assistant principal at New Brockton Elementary.

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Senator Tommy Tuberville’s office has announced he will begin hosting quarterly office hours in Enterprise focusing on assisting veterans with several local veteran’s groups present to assist. 

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Level Plains Mayor Ronnie Thompson shows off the new electronic city sign installed outside of the city hall on Joe Bruer Road. 

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• County Line Baptist Church will have a one-day Vacation Bible School on Saturday, June 11, from 12:30-5:30 p.m. called “Yo, Ho, Holy! A Pirate’s Guide to Jesus.” Ages are 4 years old through sixth grade. For more information, call (334) 347-6082 or register online at www.clbconthe.net.

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Daleville Christian Fellowship Worship Center will host a Pre-Vacation Bible School Super Soaker Saturday Fun Day on June 4, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. 

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This Memorial Day weekend, the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency (ALEA) is kicking off 101 days of safety throughout the summer months, beginning with the busy holiday weekend on Friday, May 27, and ending on Labor Day, Sept. 5, which, for many, is the last major holiday weekend of the summer season.

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A livestock judging workshop is schedule for Saturday, May 21, from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. at the Coffee County Farm Center. This workshop is hosted by the Alabama Cooperative Extension Service. 

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The Coffee County Board of Education met on Tuesday, May 10 in a special called meeting. The following personnel list was approved by the board:

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Congratulations to the young people who will soon receive their diplomas! It may seem for the moment that you’ve completed your education; however, there’s something you need to know.

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The next Aglow International meeting is scheduled on Saturday, May 21, at 10 a.m. at The Gathering Room in Enterprise. Guest speaker will be Jacqueline Battle from Montgomery.. For more information, call (334) 406-9683.

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Daleville High School graduation will be Friday, May 20, at 7:30 p.m. in Warhawk Stadium. In case of inclement weather, graduation will be Saturday, May 21 at 9:30 a.m.

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Daleville High School graduation will be Friday, May 20, at 7:30 p.m. in Warhawk Stadium. 

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Mr. Heavrin wants to increase the number of Supreme Court Justices to 13 because the liberals may not get their way on abortion. The partisanship flips back and forth between ideologies just as the Senate and House sway with the majority.

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Graduation schedule listed for local schools

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Are you ready to travel and see the world? How about Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam, all in one trip? 

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Academic and student life programs at Huntingdon College presented awards for scholarship and service during the annual Awards Convocation held Friday, April 22.

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Johns Chapel AME Church will celebrate its 133rd Church Anniversary on Sunday, May 15, at 10:45 a.m. Johns Chapel has been an integral component of the close-knit city of Enterprise since it was established in 1889.

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The 2022 Daleville Queens were welcomed to the May 3 Daleville City Council meeting by Daleville Mayor Jayme Stayton.

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The city of Enterprise recognized Small Business Week May 2-5 with a proclamation signing April 29 at Enterprise City Hall. Enterprise Mayor William Cooper said small businesses create two-thirds of all new jobs for all workers, employ more than one-half of the American work force and are responsible for half the private gross domestic product. 

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“Outstanding JROTC Cadets of the Year” from Daleville and Enterprise High Schools and Carroll High School in Ozark were honored at the Enterprise Chamber of Commerce Military Affairs Quarterly Breakfast at the John Wiley Brock Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 6683 building April 27.

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In Alabama, it is illegal for any individual to return or mail another individual’s absentee ballot application or their absentee ballot. This practice, known as ballot trafficking or ballot harvesting, is a dangerous practice that often leads to ballot traffickers stealing the votes of well-meaning and unsuspecting voters.

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A resurfacing project will begin on Monday, May 16, or Tuesday, May 17, on County Road 147. There will be delays so motorists are advised to find alternate routes if possible.

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The 2021-22 Enterprise High School 7A championship basketball team was honored Tuesday, April 19, with a parade from the Coffee County Courthouse to Enterprise City Hall. 

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Josh Carnley, center, of the Ino Community in Coffee County, was recently reappointed the At-Large Director for Coffee County on the Board of Directors of the Choctawhatchee, Pea and Yellow Rivers Watershed Management Authority. 

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The winners of the deviled egg contest held at the Enterprise Farmers Market on April 9 are from left, Steve Icenogle, Most Eggsquisite (Most Beautiful); Catherine Williford, Most Eggscellent (Best Overall winner); Becky O’Heron, Best Eggstraditional (Most Traditional, Classic); and Holly Barnes, Best Eggstraordinary (Best Non-Traditional, Creative, Original). 

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EHS theatre to present ‘Suessical the Musical’

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The 2021 Enterprise Man, Woman or Youth of the Year will be announced at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, April 21, at First Baptist Church of Enterprise in the fellowship hall hosted by the Pilot Club of Enterprise. Refreshments will be served. 

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A benefit for the Coffee County Community Church Mobile Food Pantry will be held Saturday, May 7, from 9 a.m.-noon at the Church on Boll Weevil Circle.