Enterprise BOE

The following personnel actions were approved by the Enterprise City Schools Board of Education at its Sept. 27 meeting:


Sophie Threadgill, bus driver, Transportation;

Maria Metcalf, 8-hour custodian, Enterprise High School;

Chelsea Floyd, math teacher, Enterprise High School;


Floyd Graham, social science teacher, Enterprise High School;

Kristina Parrish, third grade teacher, Rucker Blvd. Elementary;


Christie Trawick, ARI reading specialist, Brookwood Elementary;

Jordan Pickett, third grade teacher, Rucker Blvd. Elementary;

Nilda Lugo, ESL aide, Enterprise City Schools;

Chandler Williams, grounds maintenance technician, maintenance;

Waleska Washington, 8-hour custodian, Pinedale Elementary;

Loretta Sickler, special education aide, Rucker Blvd. Elementary;

Lena Morgan, third grade teacher, Rucker Blvd. Elementary;

Clayvon Whitehead, 8-hour custodian, Enterprise High School;

Alyse Wilson, social science teacher, Enterprise High School;

Judene Neal, special education aide, Enterprise City Schools;

Clair Boutwell, substitute bus aide, transportation; and,

Athletic Supplements:

Zachry Kelley, assistant varsity girls basketball; Enterprise High School.

The following personnel actions were approved by the ECS BOE at its Aug. 30 meeting:


Diane Turner, bus driver, transportation;


Eva Baumgartner, 6.5-hr. CNP worker, child nutrition;


Jordan Pickett, third grade teacher, Rucker Blvd. Elementary;

Kenneth Rogers, bus driver, transportation;

Jeanna Quattlebaum, part-time teacher, Enterprise City Schools;

Audrey McMillin, part-time teacher, Enterprise City Schools;

Ida Pouncy, part-time teacher, Enterprise City Schools;

Jackie Holley, part-time teacher, Enterprise City Schools;

Judy Taylor, part-time teacher, Enterprise City Schools;

Brittney Turner, second grade teacher, Rucker Blvd. Elementary;

Emilee Warner, kindergarten teacher, Pinedale Elementary;

Nicole Coooper, 6.5-hr. CNP worker, child nutrition;

Monkia Rendon, 6.5-hr. CNP worker, child nutrition;

Nilda Lugo, ESL aide, Enterprise City Schools;

Lisa Applewhite, bus driver, transportation;

Bailey Goodson, special education aide, Hillcrest Elementary;

Athletic Supplements:

Patsy Holland, athletic director, Dauphin Junior High;

Jason Holloway, athletic director, Coppinville Junior High; and,

Reginald Peterson, assistant basketball, Dauphin Junior High.

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