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Breast cancer treatments are highly effective, which is one reason why the National Cancer Institute can report that the five-year survival rate for non-metastatic breast cancer is 90 percent.

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Breast cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer diagnosed among the female population. Though breast cancer may seem like a disease that’s exclusive to women, breast cancer can affect men as well.

A regular exam in 2003 led to a cancer diagnosis for Enterprise resident Eulene Jones. “I went in for a routine exam in October of 2003. I saw Dr. Karen Mockler. she was very thorough. The next day the doctor called and said I needed an ultrasound. Things happened really fast,” Jones said. “I saw Dr. Sam Sawyer for a biopsy. He determined a lumpectomy was needed, but that it was no rush.”

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When a woman has a mammogram performed, she may receive a letter telling her that she has dense breast tissue. Having dense breast tissue can make it harder to read a mammogram, and it may be connected to a higher risk of developing breast cancer.