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Daleville High School graduation will be Friday, May 20, at 7:30 p.m. in Warhawk Stadium. In case of inclement weather, graduation will be Saturday, May 21 at 9:30 a.m.

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“Outstanding JROTC Cadets of the Year” from Daleville and Enterprise High Schools and Carroll High School in Ozark were honored at the Enterprise Chamber of Commerce Military Affairs Quarterly Breakfast at the John Wiley Brock Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 6683 building April 27.

The Daleville Lady Hawks couldn’t recover after a huge first inning by Providence on March 17 and lost 15-3. Daleville opened the game in the top of the first inning to take a 2-0 lead but the Lady Eagles scored nine runs in the bottom of the first to take an overwhelming lead. 

The Daleville Warhawk baseball team lost the first game of a doubleheader 16-0 to Providence Christian on Thursday, March 17. Providence scored five runs in the first inning, six runs in the second and five more runs in the third before the game was called.

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A Daleville High School senior is the winner of the 2022 Congressional Art Contest for the Second Congressional District of Alabama.

Autumn Ann Clemmons is the winner of the district-wide competition, Congressman Barry Moore announced March 4.

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Windham Elementary’s Pre-K Pre-Registration will extend through March 23 with a random selection drawing taking place on March 24 for a space in the program. The school has two classrooms of First Class Pre-K for the state of Alabama.

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The following meals have been planned for Daleville Schools. Juice is available at breakfast. A choice of milk is available at all meals. Menu is subject to change.

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The Daleville Sun-Courier has recently obtained some letters to Santa Claus from children at Windham Elementary School and we would like to share them with our readers. The entire staff at the Sun-Courier wishes everyone a safe and Merry Christmas this holiday season.

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The following meals have been planned for Daleville Schools. Juice is available at breakfast. A choice of milk is available at all meals. 

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The following meals have been planned for Daleville Schools. Juice is available at breakfast. A choice of milk is available at all meals. Menu is subject to change.

Thursday, Nov. 18: Breakfast: Cinnamon Toast Cereal Bar, Trix Cereal Bar, applesauce, assortment of cereal

Lunch: Corndog, corn, Lay’s Baked Chips, fresh fruit

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The Alabama Farmers Federation is planting seeds for a healthy future by awarding $133,250 in scholarships to Auburn University students seeking degrees in agriculture, forestry and related industries. Eighty students were honored during the organization’s scholarship reception at Lazenby Farms in Auburn Sept. 27.

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Daleville High School celebrated Homecoming on Friday, Oct. 8, with a parade, pep rally and football game. The evening was capped off with the crowning of the Homecoming Queen. The theme of this year’s Homecoming was “There’s No Place Like Homecoming” from the Wizard of Oz.

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The following meals have been planned for Daleville Schools. Juice is available at breakfast as well as an assortment of cereal. Milk is available at all meals.

The menu subject to change.

Thursday, Sept. 16

Breakfast: Cinnamon toast cereal bar, Trix cereal bar

Lunch: Corndog, salad, corn, fresh fruit

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Keshia Ritchie of Enterprise was named to Tallahassee Community College Spring 2021 President’s List.

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Windham Elementary School Pre-K registration is ongoing and will be online this year. To be eligible to enroll in public school Pre-K a child must be four years old on or before Sept 1.

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U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue announces that the U.S. Department of Agriculture is extending flexibilities to allow free meals to continue to be available to all children throughout the entire 2020-2021 school year. 

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The following meals have been planned for Daleville Schools. Juice is available at breakfast. A choice of milk is available at all meals.

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Enterprise State Community College’s Mechatronics program was named an NC3 School on the Rise for September, highlighting the program’s growth since its first class was held in August 2019. 

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The following meals have been planned for Daleville Schools. Juice is available at breakfast. A choice of milk is available at all meals.

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The Daleville City Schools summer feeding program began on June 1 for all children 18 and younger. Curbside pickup will take place in front Daleville High School at 11 a.m. until June 30 and July 1-29.

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Zion Chapel High School graduation ceremonies will be held Monday, May 18 at Green Memorial Stadium. There will be two ceremonies: 10 a.m. for…

“We like to say, ‘It’s a great day at Windham,’” Windham Elementary School Principal Chris Mitten said, addressing the Leader In Me Day visitors. “I’m so proud of our students. They did all of this. They had help from their sponsors, but literally all of this day has been planned and put together by these children.”

Daleville High School JRTOC Senior Army Instructor Col. (Ret.) and former Coppinville Junior High School student Teresa Townsend served as the guest speaker at Coppinville Junior High School’s Black History Month Program on Feb. 11.

Daleville City Schools Superintendent Dr. Lisa Stamps has a vision for Daleville City Schools.

“When I arrived in Daleville this summer, I began talking with faculty and staff to analyze needs.  I began developing a vision for the system. I believe strongly in high standards and exemplary academics. So, my focus was to provide the best education possible for the DCS students,” Stamps said. 

Windham Elementary School students are learning transitional skills in third grade. Third grade teachers Brittany Jones, Kaylee Spann, Amanda Holmes and Kacie Devier enjoy working together to ensure all students are learning the necessary skills to move up to fourth grade.