Resurfacing to begin on County Road 147
A resurfacing project will begin on Monday, May 16, or Tuesday, May 17, on County Road 147. There will be delays so motorists are advised to find alternate routes if possible.
Voters be aware of changes to polling places
When Coffee County voters go to the polls for the primary county, state and federal election May 24, some will be voting at a new location for the first time.
The voters who have traditionally voted at the Enterprise Recreation Center and the Victoria and Chestnut Grove polling locations will be voting at new locations.
Because of the city of Enterprise’s demolition and reconstruction plans for the facility, the Enterprise rec center polling place is being replaced by the Enterprise Civic Center.
All those who previously voted at Victoria will now vote at Wise Mill voting building. All those who previously voted at the Chestnut Grove polling location will now vote at Frisco voting building.
For more information, call the Coffee County Board of Registrars at (334) 894-5347, the Absentee Election Manager at (334) 894-1100 or the Alabama Secretary of State Elections Division at (334) 353-7177.
Project seeking info on WWII vets killed in action
“The Stories Behind the Stars” initiative was created to organize one central digital location to collect the stories of all Americans who were killed during World War II. These personal stories will be digitally linked to war memorials and cemeteries by a smartphone app so visitors can read the stories of the fallen. Work is currently being done on all of the Alabama WWII soldiers. Those with any information or photos they are willing to share on any soldier who died or was killed in World War II from Coffee or Geneva County, please contact Donna Snell at [email protected] or (334) 774- 6777.
DAV Chapter offers help to veterans
A DAV Chapter Service Officer will be located at the Town Hall in New Brockton Alabama every Wednesday from 9 a.m. till 11a.m. Any veteran needing help with a VA claim is welcome. This is on a walk in basis, no appointment is needed. For further information, contact Mike Doran at (334) 406-6700.
DAV Chapter 9 to help veterans with claims
DAV Chapter 9 Enterprise-Coffee County, 704 Crawford Street, Enterprise, helps veterans with claims Monday-Thursday from 9 to 11 a.m. Call (334) 308-2480 for more information or to schedule an appointment.
Chapter 9 DAV meets monthly
Enterprise Chapter 9 of the Disabled American Veterans has monthly meetings at Ruby Tuesday Restaurant in Westgate Shopping Center, 625 Boll Weevil Circle, Enterprise. The meeting is held the second Thursday each month and starts at 6:30 p.m. Come at 6 p.m. to eat prior to the meeting. All pre-retirement active duty and veterans are encouraged to attend. For information concerning the meeting contact DAV office at 334-308-2480 or 802-238-3433. The DAV Claims Office operates from 8 to 11 a.m., Monday through Thursday each week.
DAV Chapter 9 van program resumes services
The DAV Chapter 9 van program has resumed services to run on Mondays and Fridays to Montgomery and Tuskegee with the same route and hours as in the past. Pick-up is at 5 a.m., at Hardee’s on Rucker Boulevard in Enterprise; and at 5:15 a.m., at Bojangle’s on Daleville Avenue at the intersection off Highway 134 in Daleville. The van will depart to travel back when the last veteran has been seen by a clinic, never later than noon. For more information, please contact Tom Ferguson, van coordinator at (334) 470-6655 or Beth Emerson, office manager at (334) 308-2480.
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