Winners of the deviled egg contest

Steve Icenogle, Most Eggsquisite (Most Beautiful); Catherine Williford, Most Eggscellent (Best Overall winner); Becky O’Heron, Best Eggstraditional (Most Traditional, Classic); and Holly Barnes, Best Eggstraordinary (Best Non-Traditional, Creative, Original)

The winners of the deviled egg contest held at the Enterprise Farmers Market on April 9 are from left, Steve Icenogle, Most Eggsquisite (Most Beautiful); Catherine Williford, Most Eggscellent (Best Overall winner); Becky O’Heron, Best Eggstraditional (Most Traditional, Classic); and Holly Barnes, Best Eggstraordinary (Best Non-Traditional, Creative, Original). An egg and spoon contest was also held. Those winners are five and under category: Brewen Lawrence, first place; and Madeline Mahan, second place; six-eight years old: Finn Easdale and Jennifer Barnes tied for first place; Collin Angona, second place; nine-11 years old: Ayden Sherwood, first place; Cameron Harvey, second place; 12-14 years old: John Chapel Chancey, first place, Alex Farnsworth and Ana Matheson, tied for second place; 19 years old and above: Shannon Chancey, first place; Candy Easdale, second place.

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