Lisa Harris, Josh Carnley and Jodee Thompson

Josh Carnley, center, of the Ino Community in Coffee County, was recently reappointed the At-Large Director for Coffee County on the Board of Directors of the Choctawhatchee, Pea and Yellow Rivers Watershed Management Authority. Probate Judge Jodee Thompson, right, administered the oath of office with Lisa Harris, left, executive director of the CPYRWMA. 

Josh Carnley, center, of the Ino Community in Coffee County, was recently reappointed the At-Large Director for Coffee County on the Board of Directors of the Choctawhatchee, Pea and Yellow Rivers Watershed Management Authority. Probate Judge Jodee Thompson, right, administered the oath of office with Lisa Harris, left, executive director of the CPYRWMA. Carnley was sworn in on April 12 during a ceremony at the Coffee County Courthouse in Elba. Carnley serves as a Coffee County Commissioner representing District 3. The CPYRWMA is a state agency that is responsible for developing plans and programs relating to water resource management in the areas of water quality, quantity, flood control and water conservation education. (Courtesy photo)

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