The Coffee Baptist Women on Mission are again sponsoring a Prayer Walk at each of the schools in Coffee County on Sunday, Aug. 21, at 4 pm. There will be a leader at each school. Everyone is invited to join us in this very important event as we pray for the protection and well being of our s…
Seeing “Old Glory” displayed around town and in people’s yards or on their vehicles serves as a constant reminder to be grateful that we live in the land of the free, especially on patriotic holidays.
• County Line Baptist Church will have a one-day Vacation Bible School on Saturday, June 11, from 12:30-5:30 p.m. called “Yo, Ho, Holy! A Pirate’s Guide to Jesus.” Ages are 4 years old through sixth grade. For more information, call (334) 347-6082 or register online at
My heart breaks for the loss of 21 innocent lives and the unimaginable grief of their families after unbelievable evil invaded their school.
Enterprise's Annual Cross Walk was held on Good Friday, April 15. This event started at Lowe’s and the two mile walk ended at Boll Weevil Plaza Shopping Center.
Congratulations to the young people who will soon receive their diplomas! It may seem for the moment that you’ve completed your education; however, there’s something you need to know.
The next Aglow International meeting is scheduled on Saturday, May 21, at 10 a.m. at The Gathering Room in Enterprise. Guest speaker will be Jacqueline Battle from Montgomery.. For more information, call (334) 406-9683.
There’s a story told about a New York businessman who was having “one of those days.” Everything was going wrong. First, he overslept and was running late to get to the office.
Johns Chapel AME Church will celebrate its 133rd Church Anniversary on Sunday, May 15, at 10:45 a.m. Johns Chapel has been an integral component of the close-knit city of Enterprise since it was established in 1889.
A benefit for the Coffee County Community Church Mobile Food Pantry will be held Saturday, May 7, from 9 a.m.-noon at the Church on Boll Weevil Circle.
Time seems to stand still when the red light turns green and the person in front of you doesn’t realize it. Who wants to wait when you’ve got places to go and things to do?
Editor’s note: The public is invited to the events published in the church calendar unless otherwise stated. Deadline is Friday at 5 p.m. for …
There will be an Evangelism Encounter March 16-17 at 6:30 p.m. at the New Brockton Farm Center featuring evangelist Scott Dawson. Music will be provided by Don’t Look Back. This event is sponsored by the Coffee Baptist Association.
Thomas Andrew Dorsey was playing the piano professionally at age 12. Born in Georgia in 1899, the African-American musician was the son of a Baptist minister.
The next Aglow International meeting is scheduled on Saturday, Feb. 19, at 10 a.m. at The Gathering Room in Enterprise. Guest speaker will be Rose Stephens from Dothan. For more information, call (334) 406-9683.
John met Mary when they were children. In fact, their mothers were best friends.
The next Aglow International meeting is scheduled on Saturday, Feb. 19, at 10 a.m. at The Gathering Room in Enterprise. Guest speaker will be Rose Stephens from Dothan. For more information, call (334) 406-9683.
Author/Minister Charles Swindoll tells the remarkable story of a B-17 pilot who flew a bombing mission over Germany near the end of World War II. On that day, his plane was hit several times by shells and flak, some directly hitting his fuel tank.
The Winter Olympic Games begin next week. For me, one of the most exciting events to watch during the Summer Olympics or Winter Olympics happens during the Opening Ceremonies.
The Enterprise Military Support Group is meeting on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. at Church on Boll Weevil Circle located at 2017 Boll Weevil Circle, Enterprise.
Two weeks ago, a church in a rural town in Tennessee caught fire. According to news reports, an older sanctuary alongside the current sanctuary burned to the ground.
Grief Share classes are held at Hillcrest Baptist Church on Mondays from 6-8 p.m., in room E219.
Who can forget Jimmy Stewart’s portrayal of George Bailey in the movie classic, “It’s a Wonderful Life?”
Sixty-six years ago this week, the sudden death of five American missionaries in the jungles of Ecuador made headlines around the world.
The next meeting for the Hillcrest Baptist Church Grief Share class will be Monday, Jan. 10.
Several years ago, my father gave me a special Bible with a black, leather cover. The pages were falling out of the book’s binding and the cover was coming off the Bible.
Editor’s note: The public is invited to the events published in the church calendar unless otherwise stated. Deadline is Friday at 5 p.m. for …
When I get to heaven, I’m looking forward to meeting Christians whose writings have made a lasting impact on my life. My list will include Oswald Chambers, Catherine Marshall, Elizabeth Elliott, and maybe leading the list will be C.S. Lewis
Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas without singing the familiar carols that celebrate this special time of the year.
The next Aglow International meeting is scheduled on Saturday, Dec. 18, at 10 a.m. at The Gathering Room in Enterprise. Guest speaker will be Anji Fisher. For more information, call (334) 406-9683.
Thomas Chisholm was born in a log cabin in Franklin, Ky., in 1866. Though he never had a chance to attend high school or college, he began teaching school at the age of 16 and became the associate editor of his hometown newspaper at age 21.
The Enterprise Women’s Day Class of Community Bible Study will start a study of the book of Revelation on Monday, Nov. 29.
Editor’s note: The public is invited to the events published in the church calendar unless otherwise stated. Deadline is Friday at 5 p.m. for …
Each November, Christians are asked to pray especially for the over 340 million Christians who are persecuted for their faith in Jesus.
H.O.P.E. Ministries will have a Community Day of Giving on Saturday, Nov. 13, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. on the lot next to Nance Circle Apartments. All items are free and there will be many items to choose from.
Pumpkins on porches and rust-colored leaves falling from the trees are signs that autumn has arrived.
Editor’s note: The public is invited to the events published in the church calendar unless otherwise stated. Deadline is Friday at 5 p.m. for …
I believe God has a plan and purpose for every life and that He ordains certain people who will cross our paths during our lifetimes.
Johns Chapel AME Church will continue its Breast Cancer Awareness Observance during services and events this weekend. On Saturday, Oct. 23, from 7-8 p.m., a Breast Cancer Awareness Prayer Vigil and Candlelighting Service will be held in the church parking lot.
The next Aglow International meeting is scheduled on Saturday, Oct. 16, at 10 a.m. at The Gathering, 217 S. Main Street in Enterprise. Guest speaker will be Tanya McClemore from Montgomery. For more information, call (334) 406-9683.
Joni Eareckson Tada will celebrate her 72nd birthday next week. Fifty years ago, Joni dove into the shallow water of Chesapeake Bay.
I once read a funny story about a woman who said she had finally stopped her husband from biting his fingernails.
The next Aglow International meeting is scheduled on Saturday, Sept. 18, at 10 a.m. at Christ Community Church. Guest speaker will be Terry Tripp from Nashville, TN. For more information, call (334) 406-9683.
Grief Share classes are held at Hillcrest Baptist Church on Mondays from 6-8 p.m., in room E219 (Multipurpose Room). For more information, call 347-2516.
The President of the United States gives the “State of the Union” address to Congress the beginning of each year. The governor gives the “State of the State” address every year before the legislative session begins.
Chancellor Assembly of God Church will celebrate homecoming on Sunday, Aug. 8, beginning at 10 a.m.
At times in my life, I’ve questioned whether God can possibly know how I feel. Maybe you have, too.
The Summer Olympic Games have been played every four years since 1896 (except 1916 due to World War I, 1940 and 1944 due to World War II and 2020 due to COVID-19).
Chancellor Assembly of God Church will celebrate homecoming on Sunday, Aug. 8, beginning at 10 a.m.
Editor’s note: The public is invited to the events published in the church calendar unless otherwise stated. Deadline is Friday at 5 p.m. for …
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