Mr. Heavrin wants to increase the number of Supreme Court Justices to 13 because the liberals may not get their way on abortion. The partisanship flips back and forth between ideologies just as the Senate and House sway with the majority.
When Donald Trump was in office, he and Mitch McConnell made three lifetime appointments to the Supreme Court. McConnell went so far as to defy Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s dying wish—that the next president appoint her replacement—by packing the Court with Amy Coney Barrett just eight days before the 2020 election.
We give the responsibility of our health to health departments at all levels.
We give the responsibility of raising our young children to government-funded childcare programs.
To the line:
As the world watched Russia attempt to roll over its neighbor, few believed Ukrainian forces could hold off a massive attack for 72 hours, much less nearly a month. In this unnecessary war, new heroes of strength emerged. Among the most notable stands the FMG-148 Javelin you build.
Dear Editor:
As pastors, we believe abortion is murder. Galatians 1:15, Jeremiah 1:5 The millions of innocent lives taken by government sanctioned abortions is a slap in the face of God Almighty and shows the arrogance of men who profess themselves to be greater than our creator. Romans 1:22,25.
A little over 150 years ago, a small band of townsmen and Newton Home Guard fended off an attack by Capt. Joseph Sanders’ band of deserters and outlaws. The stand of the Home Guard will be commemorated on Saturday, March 12, and Sunday, March 13, at John Hutto Park, Hwy. 123/134 in Newton, Dale County.
There is a snippet of a video circulating involving an Enterprise High School student and an administrator that paints a false narrative from Feb. 9.
On the 18th of this month, the government’s funding will run out. It sounds devastating, but is it really? If you received poor service for your hard-earned money, would you use that service again? Let’s look at the service provided by our federal government.
COVID-19 has changed the way all of us conduct our daily lives and affects everyone, regardless of our neighborhoods, our political affiliations, our race, or our ethnicity. While many people have recovered from COVID-19, the disease can have serious, life-threatening complications, and its long-term effects are not known.
Viruses were typically named after where or what they originated from. When the current virus first appeared in Wuhan, China, it was called the China Virus.
The Oscar Club has chosen Saturday, March 19 for the Fifth Annual Enterprise Day of Service.
Dear Wiregrass United Way supporters:
As another year comes to an end, we are saying thank you to the people who keep healthcare moving forward in the Wiregrass.
What can I say about South Dale Ems?
As a new person to the community, I wanted to feel the place out. Some places are cold and feeling of not a warm welcoming. But I was wrong about this place.
My neighborhood Gateway Estates has a 25 MPH maximum speed limit, yet I have tracked people driving over 59 MPH on my street, over 50 percent of traffic does not heed the 25 MPH maximum limit,
The latest debate over the now-endemic of COVID is whether or not to inject children as young as 5 years old (while the FDA is now looking for parents to volunteer their infants to be injected.)
Can you people find another way to spend our tax money? These names are a part of history.
In response to Mr. Mark Parker of New Brockton: “Don’t Wait to Let Common Sense Kick In”
Dear Editor:
In his opinion piece, “We must prevent government malpractice,” Caleb Crosby’s argument for freedom to make personal health choices independent of government is immediately evident to this reader as a facile one in service to a difficult to defend position against public health.
I’m going to address the unvaccinated in a way that a medical professional cannot. All the current crises, except for children not eligible for vaccine, was preventable. I compare those that refuse to get vaccinated to drunk drivers.
Speeding kills...
My neighborhood, Gateway Estates, has a 25 mph maximum speed limit, yet I have tracked people driving over 59 mph on my street.
Dear Editor:
“City of Progress, Moving Forward,” words that describe Enterprise. Yet our traffic control still sits in the 60s.
The anger coming from people who have chosen to receive the shot against those who have not needs to be redirected to where it belongs – the health departments at all levels, mainly the federal level.
I’m going to address the unvaccinated in a way that a medical professional cannot.
Dear Editor:
I wish to take opportunity to thank the wonderful people of Enterprise, Alabama for being so wonderful to me and my family
As a retired lieutenant with the Enterprise Police Department, I worked, or as I said was one of the paid babysitters, at football games for football seasons from 1980-2011.
I shuttered when I saw the article EHS HOSTS COMMUNITY-WIDE PEP RALLY, featuring pictures of high schoolers unmasked and huddled together for photos.
Dear Editor:
We know you are all tired of COVID, and so are we. No one wants this pandemic to end more than the organizations listed below.
Dear Editor:
I have a grandchild in the Enterprise School System and I am emailing you to thank you for your voice of reason in regards to the protests over mask wearing at the last ECS Board meeting.
Dear Editor:
I was scheduled to have my painful knee replaced on Aug. 5. Today, Aug. 4, the doctor’s office called and due to COVID patients filling up the hospital the surgery is postponed until further notice.
Dear Editor:
There are those rare times when the written word expresses so clearly the character and integrity of the writer that I am left with renewed hope for this world.
Dear Editor:
Here we go again…
I recall the “zombie apocalypse” COVID predictions last year (which were wrong).
Dear Editor:
The Aug. 4 Southeast Sun was very refreshing. There was no Moore you know article.
Dear Editor:
Thank you so much for your editorial in this week’s Southeast Sun. It was respectful and to the point.
Dear Editor:
To those that have not been vaccinated, I understand it is your choice and you believe you are not harming any one else.
One of our main beliefs in Enterprise City Schools is to create a safe, clean, and intellectually stimulating environment for all of our students. We hope to create that experience again this school year.
I think masks should not be worn in school or optional. I have several reasons for this, but my first one is it diminishes my ability to express myself using facial expressions or talking.
Dear Editor:
When (President Joe) Biden extended the unemployment benefits he said that it wouldn’t stop people from taking available jobs.
Dear Editor:
At last check, there were no Alabama co-sponsors on either H.R. 82 or S. 1302, the Social Security Fairness Act.
Dear Editor:
It is time for truth-loving people to realize what time it is: the lawlessness and lying, cheating and violence has arrived! Lawlessness=perilous times of 2nd Timothy 3.
Dear Editor:
In response to Mr. Williams letter last week, yes, it is a wonderful time to be an American Mr. Williams.
I am a thrilled to see the direction our city government is going in hiring Mr. Tullos as City Administrator.
I’ve just finished watching the Senate of the United States find Donald J. Trump “Not Guilty” of the impeachment charges against him.
As the holiday season quickly approaches we all know things will be different this year for everyone. I am, however, making a special request to everyone to reach out to our local veterans.
I’d like to personally give a huge thank you to the many people who made the inaugural Patriot Day/America 250 Kickoff a great success last Friday. We had people from as far away as Tuscaloosa, Montgomery and Mobile attend the event.
Tuesday the 14th I went to the drugstore and saw a circus was set up which angered me with this virus back on the rise. When I got home I called the mayor’s office.
The impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on all of our lives is clear. Even as some states begin to recover or even reopen, many of us are still worried for the health and well being of our families, friends, and colleagues.
To the Citizens of Coffee County,
The right to vote is one of the most fundamental liberties we enjoy as Americans. It is also one of our greatest civic responsibilities.
Dear Editor:
The COVID-19 pandemic has made it crystal clear just how much communities rely on their local hospitals and also how much we rely on you.
In Enterprise, one recent mid-afternoon, I reluctantly had to visit three stores to find a particular item.
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