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Harvest season is here and farmers across the state are looking forward to reaping the rewards of their labor. They will spend many early mornings and late nights in the fields harvesting crops to be enjoyed across the country and the world. We could not survive without their work. That’s wh…

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President Biden and Democrats seem utterly unaware of the pain most Americans are feeling from inflation and the economic turmoil caused by th…

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The COVID-19 pandemic brought on a series of challenges unlike any we’ve witnessed during our lifetime. Society as we knew it shut down. We fo…

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Those of us who served a long time in the legislature have a lot of stories. I served 16 years from 1982 to 1998 from my home county of Pike. …

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Last month I had the chance to meet many of you during my August town hall tour. I held 11 town halls in 11 counties throughout our district, …

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This is the final version of a three week series of stories that illustrate that Alabama is a big front porch.

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Under the title “Alabama is a Big Front Porch,” made famous by the legendary Alabama storyteller, Kathryn Tucker Wyndham, I will continue to s…

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The longer I continue to write about Alabama politics, the more I realize that Alabama really is a “Big Front Porch” – a saying made famous by…

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Throughout the years, I always told my sons and the players I coached that this country owes them only one thing—an opportunity. The opportuni…

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For decades, and across multiple wars, the U.S. military disposed of various types of waste by burning it in large pits near their military ba…

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Instead of addressing the problems Americans are facing, Speaker Pelosi and House Democrats are using the House floor to score political point…

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It is hard to believe it has been 60 years since George Wallace’s first victorious race for governor. Let’s go down memory lane and reminisce …

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In my observations of Alabama politics, every election year brings an underlying election year surprise or two. The underlying prevailing them…

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The 1970 governor’s race between George Wallace and Albert Brewer overshadowed every other political race in the state that year. However, one…

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Inflation is at historic highs, supply chains are broken, and gas prices are punishing American families. A Congress that cared about the peop…

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During the waning days of the campaigns for governor and U.S. Senator, I received an inordinate amount of correspondence lamenting the outrage…

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When I began my coaching career more than 40 years ago, I never dreamed that I would ever run for the U.S. Senate. But I wanted to help people and give back to our great country that gave so much to me. 

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A rural school. An overcast day. Mrs. Welch arrived early to work driving, her husband’s truck. There has been a lot of rain lately, she almost didn’t get here this morning. Her clay road washed out.

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Politicians like to complain about the legislative logjam on Capitol Hill, but it’s amazing how quickly that logjam clears when there’s an opportunity to spend someone else’s money. 

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My sister’s family is visiting from Florida this week. It’s difficult to get any serious writing work done becausspiwjg[qi31 0409UJ15M\2

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It about time that the city is waking up to some of the deplorable conditions we have. I know I have seen it first hand. The one problem is the people that live there are usually poor and can’t afford something else. 

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The governor’s races of bygone years were a lot more fun and colorful than todays. We would have 10 to 15 candidates. There would be three or four favorites, but we would have 10 others that would make an effort to crisscross the state and have fun and cut up a little bit to garner publicity. 

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The leaked draft majority opinion from the Supreme Court has all of Washington up in arms. Combined with the release of conservative justices’ home addresses, it is clear that a dangerous, coordinated attempt to undermine the court is underway.

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We are down to the last few days in the 2022 Governor’s Race. For the first time in my memory, the governor’s race has been overshadowed by another race. The race to fill the void left by retiring senior U.S. Senator Richard Shelby has eclipsed the interest in the governor’s race.

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Mr. Heavrin wants to increase the number of Supreme Court Justices to 13 because the liberals may not get their way on abortion. The partisanship flips back and forth between ideologies just as the Senate and House sway with the majority.

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I was in Texas a few years ago, giving a speech in the elementary school auditorium. She was sitting in the front row. She laughed at all my jokes. She laughed first. She laughed loudest.

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It was sundown at the beach. There was a small group gathered at the public beach access, dressed in wedding attire. The bride wore flowers in her hair and carried a bouquet. The groom wore slacks and a nice shirt. Everyone was barefoot.

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The GOP Primary is less than two weeks away on May 24. It has been an interesting and expensive race to fill the seat of our venerable and powerful senior Senator Richard Shelby.

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When we think about “freedom” in our great country, we often think about the rights and liberties we exercise on a daily basis – like those outlined in the First Amendment of our Constitution. 

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When Donald Trump was in office, he and Mitch McConnell made three lifetime appointments to the Supreme Court. McConnell went so far as to defy Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s dying wish—that the next president appoint her replacement—by packing the Court with Amy Coney Barrett just eight days before the 2020 election.

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Our iconic senior United States Senator, Richard Shelby, turns 88 this week. Shelby is in the waning months of his monumental career in the Senate. He will end his tenure at the end of this year after 36 years in the U.S. Senate.

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I was raised by women. After my father died, it was women who stepped in and taught me how to be a man. I am a card-carrying mama’s boy.

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Since Joe Biden took office and started implementing his radical open border policies, 42 people on the terrorist watch list have been apprehended attempting to enter the United States through our southern border illegally.

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We give the responsibility of our health to health departments at all levels.

We give the responsibility of raising our young children to government-funded childcare programs.

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The high energy prices we are paying are the result of a president who is totally beholden to the radical elements of the Democratic Party. But this should come as no surprise.

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Many of you have asked the question, “Have you ever seen anyone simply run a media only campaign and avoid campaigning like Mike Durant has done in this year’s U.S. Senate campaign?” Surprisingly my answer for many of you is, “Yes, I have.”

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I’m 5 years old. On Mama’s stove is a steaming stock pot, filling the world with the essence of chicken and dumplings.

I’m watching her use her fists to mercilessly beat a lump of flour that will become dumplings. She punches the dough, making loud grunts, striking terror into the heart of childhood.

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I drove out of Birmingham a little ways to meet my friend. I watched the interstate give way to pine trees. Pine trees gave way to farmland. F…

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The crowded field for governor striving to oust incumbent Governor Kay Ivey includes Tim James. He has run before. In fact, this is his third try for the brass ring. His last race was in 2010 when he barely missed the runoff by a few votes. He was edged out by Robert Bentley, who went on to win.

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To the line:

 As the world watched Russia attempt to roll over its neighbor, few believed Ukrainian forces could hold off a massive attack for 72 hours, much less nearly a month. In this unnecessary war, new heroes of strength emerged. Among the most notable stands the FMG-148 Javelin you build.

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“How you doin’?” the security guard said as I walked inside the public library.

“I’m getting my library card today,” I told him.

“Congratulations,” he said.