Editor’s Note: Sun Spots deadline is Friday at 5 p.m. for the next week’s paper.
Roy Hoobler and the Masterworks Choir will have an afternoon of great music on Sunday, June 12, from 2 until 4 p.m. The program will feature Broadway selections from West Side Story and Into The Woods. The program is free and is sponsored by the Republican Women of Coffee County. Donations will be collected for “Caring for America” which supports local outreach in our community.
The Republican Women of Coffee County will meet Wednesday, June 15, at the Enterprise Country Club. Doors open at 10:30 a.m. and the luncheon will start at 10:45 a.m. Reservations can be made by contacting Shannon Smith at (334) 494-2753or [email protected]. She will need to know how many in your party and whether you will be eating.
The Alabama Cooperative Extension System will be hosting a ServSafe training program on June 21-22 at the Coffee County Extension office in New Brockton. This is a required food safety course for food permit holders. It is a two-day in-person course with a written exam. The cost of the course is $140 and you must register online. This course may be needed for restaurant managers and cafeteria managers and food vendors. It is a nationally accredited program through the Restaurant Association.
The next meeting of the DAV Wiregrass Chapter 99 will be held on Thursday, June 23, at 6 p.m. in the New Brockton Senior Center. We will be accepting nominations for chapter positions for the upcoming year. All members that can attend are asked to be there. For further information, contact Charles Lobdell at (334) 718-5707 or Mike Doran at (334) 406-6700.
The Level Plains Police Department presents Fireworks at the Park sponsored by Circle Bee Fireworks July 2. The event starts at 3 p.m. and ends after the fireworks have concluded. There will be entertainment and vendors. Vendors wishing to be at the event please contact (334) 347-0422. No alcohol or personal fireworks will be permitted.
The Second Infantry Division Association is searching for anyone who served in the Army’s 2nd Infantry Division at any time. For information about the association and the 99th annual reunion in Kansas City, Mo., from Sept. 28 – Oct. 2, contact Mike Davino at [email protected] and (919) 498-1910.
The Enterprise Senior Citizens Center is for anyone 60 years of age or older. There is no fee to participate in the senior center program but donations are welcomed. Art classes are offered every Tuesday from 9 until 11 a.m., and 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. Also every Tuesday and Thursday from 8:45-9:45 a.m., a Senior Aerobics class is available. Sewing classes are held on Wednesdays from 9 a.m. until noon. Chair exercise classes are held on Thursdays beginning at 10 a.m. Classes meet at 2401 Neil Metcalf Road (U.S. Highway 167 North). For more information and upcoming classes, please contact Angela Lane at (334) 347-3513.
“The Stories Behind the Stars” initiative was created to organize one central digital location to collect the stories of all Americans who were killed during World War II. These personal stories will be digitally linked to war memorials and cemeteries by a smartphone app so visitors can read the stories of the fallen. Work is currently being done on all of the Alabama WWII soldiers. Those with any information or photos they are willing to share on any soldier who died or was killed in World War II from Coffee or Geneva County, please contact Donna Snell at [email protected] or (334) 774- 6777.
The first Saturday of every month the Weevil City Cruisers will have a cruise-in at Milky Moos from 5-8 p.m.
The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) of Coffee County meets on the first Monday of the month at Johns Chapel A.M.E. Church in Enterprise on the Geneva Highway. For more information, contact Ruthie Warren at (334) 347-1361.
The New Life Center, 317 North Main Street, Enterprise, is accepting applications for men and women to enter recovery from drugs and alcohol. For more information, call (334) 393-5641 24 hours a day.
The House of Ruth Inc. offers services in nine counties in Southeast Alabama for issues of domestic violence and sexual assault. For more information call 334-347-1912 or 1-800-650-6522
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