The following meals have been planned for Daleville Schools. Juice is available at breakfast. A choice of milk is available at all meals. Menu is subject to change.

Friday, Dec. 10

Breakfast: Yogurt, assortment of cereal

Lunch: Ham and cheese, celery sticks, squash, Ranch dressing, Cool Ranch Chips, applesauce

Monday, Dec. 13

Breakfast: Breakfast bites, pear halves, assortment of cereal

Lunch: Hot Dog, baked beans, Cole slaw, Mandarin oranges

Tuesday, Dec. 14

Breakfast: Pillsbury Maple Mini Waffle, sausage, assortment of cereal

Lunch: Cheeseburger, lettuce and tomato, peas and carrots, Rice Krispy Treat, pear halves

Wednesday, Dec. 15

Breakfast: Assortment of cereal, applesauce

CHRISTMAS LUNCH: Ham, dinner roll, green beans, potato salad, Pillsbury Cinn Mini, applesauce

Thursday, December 16

Breakfast: Blueberry muffin, string cheese, assortment of cereal

Lunch: Corndog, mixed vegetable, brownie, fresh fruit

Friday, December 17

Breakfast: Pop tarts, mixed fruit, assortment of cereal

Lunch: PB&J, raw veggies w/dip, Sun Chips, peach cups

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