Barry Moore

Recently I had the honor of joining my Congressional colleagues for a virtual address from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. His impassioned speech and footage of the carnage and death at Russian hands were stirring and heartbreaking. I also continue to hear from folks I met in Ukraine last summer who are fighting for their homeland. My heart goes out to the people of Ukraine, and I support continuing to offer humanitarian and weapons aid so they can continue their fight.

While debate continues regarding the proper level of American support, the sad truth is it never should have come to this. President Biden’s failure of leadership abroad gave Russian President Vladimir Putin the green light to begin his invasion. We cannot and should not fight every other country’s battles for them, but the world – including our own nation – is a safer place with strong American leadership.


It is inconceivable that the Biden Administration is seeking to restart the failed Obama-era Iran deal. Iran is the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism, and just days ago they launched a missile attack on the American consulate in Iraq.

The deal Biden and his foreign policy team wants to strike would provide a pathway for Iran to acquire weapons-grade uranium. Every nation would be endangered in the unstable world of this nightmare scenario. That’s why I joined a resolution led by Rep. Jim Banks condemning this Administration’s reckless reentry into these negotiations. President Biden must stop treating our friends like our enemies and our enemies like our friends.


Instead of unleashing American energy, Biden is relying on oppressive countries like Venezuela and even Iran. He gave Russia the green light to build a pipeline to Europe – giving them more leverage over our European allies – yet cancelled the Keystone XL pipeline that would have created jobs and benefited both our country and our ally Canada.

Inevitably, we are now getting pummeled at the pump, with gas prices skyrocketing to well over $4 per gallon in Alabama without any sign of slowing down. Transportation costs on everything from food to consumer goods are getting passed on to American consumers.

We must end Biden’s moratorium on American energy production and begin using all the resources our nation has been blessed with. I’ve sponsored legislation, like HR 6748, that would require Biden to develop a strategy to strengthen our energy independence and undercut Russia’s influence in American energy. That will benefit all Americans and our allies and take away valuable Russian geopolitical leverage.


The Biden Administration is also waging a war at home against our constitutional liberties. Just days ago, the administration announced it would extend the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s illegal mask mandate for individuals traveling on commercial airlines. I joined 16 of my colleagues in a lawsuit against the CDC to end this unscientific mandate from bureaucrats. The American people have suffered far too long from totalitarian mandates, and I am committed to fighting for your freedoms.


Need assistance with a federal agency or have concerns to share about federal legislation? Contact my office at or 334-478-6330.

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• Facebook page at U.S. Representative Barry Moore

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