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(BPT) - Jim Ford felt completely healthy. He didn’t have any symptoms and kept up with recommended cancer screenings. When his doctor suggested he participate in a clinical trial for a new cancer screening test that could detect a shared cancer signal across 50 different types of cancer, he …


(NewsUSA) - Medical tests done by clinical laboratories are an essential part of health care. However, repeated Medicare reimbursement cuts to clinical laboratory services could threaten patients’ access to common tests used to diagnose, monitor and manage serious diseases such as cancer, di…


(Family Features) By the time Halloween rolls around, many families are deep into the hustle and bustle of the school year. The holiday provides a great opportunity to focus on family and spend some quality time together.


(Family Features) Halloween is usually about costume parties, candy, scary movies and fun pranks, but this year, there is a philanthropic way to celebrate this spooky holiday. From the war in Ukraine to the drought across the Horn of Africa, there are innumerable compounding crises impacting…

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(Family Features) Getting health care for yourself or a loved one is a big responsibility, especially if you’re just getting started with Medicare or have changes in your life, such as a new diagnosis of a condition or disease. It can be overwhelming if you need services like nursing home ca…

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(Family Features) From social media to video games, cats rule the internet. They’re a constant source of joy and entertainment, and a beloved part of more than 45 million American homes, according to the American Pet Products Association. There are also millions of free-roaming and homeless …

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(Family Features) As intently as ever, Americans may choose to weigh their options, read online reviews and shop around to ensure they are choosing the best product or service at the best price. Health care should not be any different. People want options for their health care, receiving per…

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(Family Features) For first-time parents or even families with multiple children, the decision to place your little bundle of joy in someone else’s care be a difficult one. However, the benefits of day care can be significant, especially for children who start a program as infants.

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(Family Features) Your body’s immune system protects against illness and infection, fighting off threats before you even know there’s a problem. Even though your immune system usually does its job automatically, you can give it a boost with habits that promote wellness and support immunity.


(Family Features) A favorite fruit across the country, avocados provide plenty of smiles for those who enjoy their fresh flavor as an ingredient in recipes or on their own as a better-for-you snack.

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(Family Features) Game days are all about bonding with friends over football and food, alongside your furry best friend. Pet parents aren’t the only ones excited for game days. Dogs can get in on the action, too.

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(Family Features) For pet parents, traveling can be tricky, from finding a reliable pet sitter to worrying about your pet’s separation anxiety while you’re gone. To help alleviate some stress, consider a popular alternative: bringing your pet along for the journey.


(BPT) - People go to great lengths to reduce their odds of getting cancer. Many of us wear sunscreen, avoid processed foods, have regular checkups and eat organic produce, but what if your risk is hereditary rather than environmental? Read on to learn more about hereditary cancer and what yo…

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(Family Features) Many consumers are curious to learn more about the purpose and safety of GMOs.

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(Family Features) Make each day in the classroom or lecture hall an educational success with technology that makes learning more enjoyable and managing all of life’s little details easier. From wearables that keep you connected to gadgets that encourage creativity, get educated about this se…

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(Family Features) In the wake of the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, people are becoming more comfortable getting back in the dental exam chair. More patients are addressing oral aches and pains caused by pandemic-induced stress and prioritizing their pearly whites as masks are shed and visib…

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(Family Features) Nearly half of all American adults have high blood pressure, or hypertension, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Of those, about 75% don’t have it under control, and many may not even realize they have it unless they experience other complications.

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(BPT) - The beach is an ideal place to make memories with friends and family, the perfect way to unwind, relax and soak in the sun. But for those living with uncontrolled moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis (AD), the most common form of eczema, going to the beach can get complicated when th…

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(BPT) - With the school year in full swing, it can be challenging for families to find time away from their busy schedules and spend quality time together. One easy way to make sure there is quality time to connect between classes, sports and work is by prioritizing family meals at home.

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(BPT) - Autumn is a busy time for families. Between back-to-school shopping, sneaking in end-of-summer trips, and getting back on track with your routine, you may find that you don’t have time to prioritize your wellness. However, the changing of the seasons is a reminder that you should rev…

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(BPT) - Beef is valued for its flavor and nutrition in cuisines worldwide. However, recently you may have heard that eating beef is bad for the environment, so you're unsure if you should limit consumption. What you may not have heard about are the benefits that beef cattle provide for the planet.