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(NAPSI)—As families plan their fall activities, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services encourages you to make another plan—to donate blood. 


(NAPSI)—Congratulations! You’ve decided to start a business—you’re about to embark on an exciting and challenging journey. Before you dive in headfirst, however, it may pay to take time to understand how to start a business the right way and what it takes to position your startup for success.

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(StatePoint) When news of the invasion of Ukraine broke in February, many Americans wondered how they could help relief efforts. Across the country, individuals and communities sprang into action.

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(NewsUSA) - Marine Toys for Tots is the Nation’s flagship children’s Christmastime charity, but the Program offers more than holiday hope. Marine Toys for Tots has expanded its reach to help families in need throughout the year, and its support has  been more valuable than ever as many famil…

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(StatePoint) While summer fun often includes visits to the beach, lake or pool, not every child is offered the same opportunities to learn to swim or gain confidence in the water. In fact, Black children in the United States are nearly six times more likely to die from drowning than white ki…

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(StatePoint) Washington, D.C. is a city filled with monuments and memorials celebrating those whose life’s work was in service to the nation. Some of the most visited memorials in the city honor veterans and the sacrifices they have made in service to the United States.

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(StatePoint) Today, one-third of all U.S. homes are in what are known as wildland-urban interface (WUI) zones, regions in or adjacent to areas prone to wildland fires. As with many types of disasters, wildland fires are increasing in severity and frequency. This is because of the continuousl…

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(StatePoint) Human plasma donations are used to produce life-saving medicines for people affected by serious and rare diseases around the world. Experts say that right now there is a critical need for plasma donations.

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(StatePoint) While filing taxes can be anxiety-provoking, there’s no need to stress. The right digital tools, along with smart strategies can make tax season a breeze:

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(StatePoint) As U.S. troops support NATO allies in Eastern Europe amid the crisis in Ukraine, efforts are being made to boost morale and connect service members to friends and family back home.

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(StatePoint) Flu season is still underway and it’s important to protect yourself and your loved ones. While influenza can have severe health consequences for anyone, adults 65 and older and those with chronic health conditions are especially vulnerable. Nationally, up to 70% of flu hospitali…


(StatePoint) At a time when the economic impacts of COVID-19 are making it hard for many families to afford healthy food and safe housing, and ever-changing work and school schedules are making their logistics hard to juggle, a new report finds that inequities in the system are further exace…

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(StatePoint) In the summer of 2020 when calls for racial justice and the disproportionate impacts of COVID-19 were on full display, some speculated that the country seemed to be at a turning point for acknowledging how much racism affects people’s health and economic well-being.

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(StatePoint) Each year, the United Service Organizations (USO) honors the heroism of junior enlisted service members with the Service Member of the Year Awards. Service members from each branch of the military are nominated by their command leadership for performing acts of valor that go abo…

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(StatePoint) Do you always look for the “dolphin-safe” and “sustainably caught” labels on your tuna? If so, you’re probably already thinking about how your meals impact marine life and the environment. A new report shows that protecting human rights within the tuna industry is not only just …