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(Family Features) Implementing sustainable practices aimed at sequestering carbon, or carbon farming, can help farmers and ranchers increase their bottom line while managing environmental impact in numerous ways, including keeping the soil covered year-round, reducing or eliminating tillage …

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(Family Features) During the winter months, many sun seekers put beach and desert destinations at the top of their travel lists. Chasing the winter sun can be a rewarding vacation experience, made even better when you can enjoy homelike accommodations.

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(Family Features) More than 23 million American households added a four-legged family member over the last three years, according to data from the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Through these trying times, pets have been a key source of comfort and joy – even impr…

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(Family Features) Days spent in the classroom are often centered around language, reading, math, science and other traditional curriculum, but there’s another key subject students may learn about without even realizing it: themselves. While coming to understand one’s family background and cu…

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(Family Features) Developing financial knowledge and effective money management habits are important steppingstones for teenagers to become financially stable adults who aspire to build assets and achieve personal goals.

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(Family Features) For many veterans, their greatest battle isn’t against enemy forces. It’s a challenge that lies within their own bodies.

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(BPT) - The pandemic catalyzed a new way of learning and an increased need for upskilled employees across a number of industries emerged. As a result, many high school graduates are pursuing nontraditional education pathways with 73% of high schoolers believing a direct path to a career is c…

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(Family Features) ’Tis the season for holiday parties, travel, hosting and more. While it is a joyous time of year, the never-ending to-do lists and school being out of session can make everyone feel a little overwhelmed, children included.

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(Family Features) For many veterans, their greatest battle isn’t against enemy forces. It’s a challenge that lies within their own bodies.

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(Family Features) While social calendars tend to fill back up during the fall months between work, school and extracurricular activities, autumn also offers some perks for travelers looking to sneak in one last getaway before cold weather sets in.

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(Family Features) Caring for a family member or loved one with a serious health condition like Parkinson’s disease (PD) can be a big undertaking and often takes a concerted effort from many family members and friends to provide the best care possible. Even if you’re not available to provide …

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(NewsUSA) - This holiday season, the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program celebrates its 75th year of delivering hope and joy to children in need across the Nation. U.S. Marines and volunteers will conduct more than 830 local toy collection and distribution campaigns in all 50 sta…

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(Family Features) Costumes and candy make Halloween a highly anticipated event for children and adults alike, but the holiday can be particularly spooky for pets. Some of the same things that bring humans joy on All Hallows Eve can lead to poisoning, stress or anxiety, which may cause four-l…

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(Family Features) More than 350,000 sudden cardiac arrests occur annually outside hospital settings. However, a hands-on emergency intervention like cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), especially if performed immediately, can double or triple a cardiac arrest victim’s chance of survival.

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(BPT) - When you hear the term bullying, the thought of children heckling a student on a playground or in the classroom comes to mind. However, with the age of social media, bullying can extend far beyond the classroom, and parents may not always know what bullying looks like outside of school.

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(Family Features) As intently as ever, Americans may choose to weigh their options, read online reviews and shop around to ensure they are choosing the best product or service at the best price. Health care should not be any different. People want options for their health care, receiving per…

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(Family Features) Many consumers are curious to learn more about GMOs. A GMO (genetically modified organism) is a plant, animal or microorganism that has had its genetic material (DNA) changed using technology that generally involves the transfer of specific DNA from one organism to another.…

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(Family Features) Encouraging a successful education for your kids while promoting fun after-school learning may never be easier than right now. From wearables to virtual reality headsets and beyond, the latest tech-enabled devices let families enhance classroom experiences while engaging in…

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(Family Features) The internet brings vacations and getaways to travelers’ fingertips, but instant access also means vulnerability to fraudsters looking to steal data. Scams such as fake phone numbers on popular search engine results can lead to stolen money or sensitive personal information…

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(NewsUSA) - Many Native American children living on remote Reservations in the United States are growing up in unimaginable poverty, and their struggles are magnified by current skyrocketing prices for gas and food. Unemployment on Reservations is high, and jobs for many parents are scarce. …

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(Family Features) By the time Halloween rolls around, many families are deep into the hustle and bustle of the school year. The holiday provides a great opportunity to focus on family and spend some quality time together.

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(Family Features) Halloween is usually about costume parties, candy, scary movies and fun pranks, but this year, there is a philanthropic way to celebrate this spooky holiday. From the war in Ukraine to the drought across the Horn of Africa, there are innumerable compounding crises impacting…

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(Family Features) Without clinical trials, the medicines millions of people rely on to treat or cure diseases would not have become available. Clinical trials examine the safety and effectiveness of new treatments in people, and this research plays a key role in developing ways to prevent, d…

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(Family Features) Getting health care for yourself or a loved one is a big responsibility, especially if you are starting with Medicare, need services like nursing home care, have to find a new doctor or get home health care.  

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(Family Features) In the wake of the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, people are becoming more comfortable getting back in the dental exam chair. More patients are addressing oral aches and pains caused by pandemic-induced stress and prioritizing their pearly whites as masks are shed and visib…

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(Family Features) Game days are all about bonding with friends over football and food, alongside your furry best friend. Pet parents aren’t the only ones excited for game days. Dogs can get in on the action, too.

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(Family Features) Nearly half of all American adults have high blood pressure, or hypertension, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Of those, about 75% don’t have it under control, and many may not even realize they have it unless they experience other complications.

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(Family Features) Getting health care for yourself or a loved one is a big responsibility, especially if you’re just getting started with Medicare or have changes in your life, such as a new diagnosis of a condition or disease. It can be overwhelming if you need services like nursing home ca…

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(Family Features) From social media to video games, cats rule the internet. They’re a constant source of joy and entertainment, and a beloved part of more than 45 million American homes, according to the American Pet Products Association. There are also millions of free-roaming and homeless …

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(Family Features) A favorite fruit across the country, avocados provide plenty of smiles for those who enjoy their fresh flavor as an ingredient in recipes or on their own as a better-for-you snack.

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(StatePoint) Respiratory Syncytial Virus, or RSV, is so common that nearly 100% of children have been infected by age 2. Most people, including infants, develop only mild cold-like symptoms. However for some, RSV can be severe and even life threatening. Many people are surprised to learn tha…