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(NAPSI)—Taking care of your smile with a daily brushing and flossing routine is the best way to keep teeth clean and healthy. But more and more people in search of an ultra-bright smile are turning to the growing number of over-the-counter teeth whitening products—leaving many confused about…

(NewsUSA) - Once upon a time, many people proposed to their significant other with grandma’s engagement ring. There’s something to be said for family tradition. However, whether or not you inherit a piece of heirloom jewelry, there’s something unique and personal about a modern, hand-made, c…

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(StatePoint) As the last days of summer vacation are wrapping up, parents start to check off their back to school to-do lists, ensuring children are ready for their first day. In addition to backpacks and classroom supplies, new shoes are always at the top of the shopping list to accommodate…

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(StatePoint) It’s all-too-common for those embarking on a regular exercise routine to skip a planned workout for one reason or another. Here are some of the most common excuses that people make not to exercise, along with some solutions to overcome these challenges:

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(StatePoint) Sponsored by L’Oreal Paris. The pandemic led many women to confidently embrace their silver hair, not only as a practical move, but as a stylish statement. With elegant stars like Helen Mirren and Andie MacDowell proving that gray is glamorous, (and younger stars even dyeing the…

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(StatePoint) New shoes can be a great way to update a wardrobe while staying motivated to remain on track with a wellness goal. From platform sneakers to slip-on styles with clean, classic graphics, a range of fresh footwear trends are all the rage. To stay on-trend, try these three tips and…

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(StatePoint) While athletes are displaying feats of strength on the field, for those watching the Big Game at home, it’s more typical to be partaking in cheesy dips, chips, fried foods, beer and other not-so-good-for-you indulgences. However, there’s no need to fumble when it comes to your h…