• The Above the Best Silver Chapter of the U.S. Army Warrant Officers Association will be holding its in-person monthly meeting at 11:45 a.m. on Thursday, Oct. 14, at Swartworth Hall on Fort Rucker.  A meal will be served at the meeting. Please observe protocols for COVID while at Fort Rucker. This meeting is open to all warrant officers or those interested in warrant officer issues.

• A fall cleanup will be held in the city of Level Plains Oct. 15 from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. and Oct. 16 from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. Four dumpsters will be available by city hall for customers of the Level Plains Water Department only. A recent water bill must be shown in order to be allowed to use the city dumpster on those days.

• The Daleville Chamber of Commerce will have its inaugural Chamber Scrabble Run on Saturday, Oct. 16. Cost is $20 per bike and $10 per passenger. Registration begins at 9 a.m.with the first bike out at 10 a.m. Lunch and entertainment will follow at Chopper’s BBQ. The run is sponsored by Enterprise Insurance, Aero Real Estate, Tinkertown USA, Chopper’s Ol’School BBQ and El Mariachi Mexican Restaurant. For more information, contact the chamber at (334) 598-6331 or [email protected]

• The Daleville Lions Club is having a pancake supper on Monday, Oct. 18 at the First United Methodist Church from 4:30-7 p.m. Proceeds benefit vision screening and other Lions Club projects.

• The first Boys & Girls Club of Daleville Fundraiser Banquet and Silent Auction is scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 21, at 6 p.m. at the Daleville Convention Center. Tickets for the fundraising dinner are $20 each and reservations should be made by Friday, Oct. 15 by contacting Joel Adams at (334) 494-5182 or April Spencer at (334) 709-4600 or [email protected].

• The city of Level Plains will host a Trunk or Treat at the Level Plains Community Park Saturday, Oct. 30 from 6 until 8 p.m. A bloodmobile will be onsite for donations. Neighborhood Trick or Treating in Level Plains is scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 30 from 5 until 8 p.m.

• The DAV Chapter 9 van program has resumed services to run on Mondays and Fridays to Montgomery and Tuskegee with the same route and hours as in the past. Pick-up is at 5 a.m., at Hardee’s on Rucker Boulevard in Enterprise; and at 5:15 a.m., at Bojangle’s on Daleville Avenue at the intersection off Highway 134 in Daleville. The van will depart from both locations to travel back when the last veteran has been seen by a clinic, never later than noon. For more information, please contact Tom Ferguson, van coordinator, at (334) 470-6655 or Beth Emerson, office manager at (334) 308-2480.

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