• The German Coffee Club will meet Thursday, March 25, at The Landing on Fort Rucker at 9:30 a.m. COVID-19 precautions and social distancing will be taken. A mask is required to attend. There will be no special program this month. Those attending are allowed to bring cake and cookies as usual. For more information, call Chris at (334) 475-6388 or Marianne at (334) 389-1607.
• The monthly meeting for the DAV Wiregrass Chapter 99 will be held on Thursday, March 25, at 6 p.m. in the New Brockton Senior Center. Everyone is asked to bring a dish. All members that can be there are asked to attend. There are some important matters that need attention. For further information, contact Charles Lobdell at (334) 718-5707 or Mike Doran at (334) 406-6700.
• The Wiregrass-Enterprise Chapter 1807, National Active and Retired Federal Employees, will hold its monthly luncheon program at 11 a.m. Thursday, March 25, at Po Folks Restaurant, Enterprise. Enterprise Mayor William “Bill” Cooper will be the guest speaker. All federal employees, active or retired, are invited to attend the luncheon programs at the same time every fourth Thursday of the month at Po Folks. For more information, contact Frank Zerbinos at (334) 447-8092.
• The Daleville High School Band is in search of instruments anyone would like to donate for needy students to use in the band. If you have an old instrument you are not using, please bring it to Daleville High School and drop off for our students to use.
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