• The Daleville City Hall offices will be closed Thursday and Friday, Nov. 11-12, in observance of Veteran’s Day. The garbage schedule for the week will be as follows: Monday and Tuesday, no change; Wednesday and Thursday’s routes will be picked up on Wednesday. No garbage will be picked up Thursday or Friday.

• On Saturday, Nov. 13, at 9 a.m. the Enterprise Amateur Radio Society will be having an amateur radio test session at the baseball field in Clayhatchee. For more information, contact Carl Rippe at (334) 379-4207 or email [email protected]

• The Dale County Farm City Banquet is Tuesday, Nov. 16 at the Warehouse in Ozark. Doors open at 6 p.m. Event begins at 6:30 p.m. For more information call (334) 726-6064.

• The Wiregrass-Enterprise Chapter 1807, National Active and Retired Federal Employees, will hold its monthly luncheon program at 11 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 18, at the Enterprise Country Club. Chris Alexander, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama Federal Employee Insurance Representative, will be the guest speaker. All federal employees, active or retired, are invited to attend. Reservations are not necessary but are strongly recommended. For more information, contact Frank Zerbinos at [email protected] or text to (334) 447-8092.

• The DAV Chapter 9 van program has resumed services to run on Mondays and Fridays to Montgomery and Tuskegee with the same route and hours as in the past. Pick-up is at 5 a.m., at Hardee’s on Rucker Boulevard in Enterprise; and at 5:15 a.m., at Bojangle’s on Daleville Avenue at the intersection off Highway 134 in Daleville. The van will depart to travel back when the last veteran has been seen by a clinic, never later than noon.

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