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Jeff Kervin, President & CEO of Troy Bank & Trust, is pleased to announce that Bruce Faulk has been named as Vice-President and Commercial Loan Officer for the Enterprise Branch.

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I knew at some time in my lifetime I would probably have to write this column, but I really expected it to be under different circumstances. Today’s paper will officially be the last published by our family.

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The city of Enterprise recognized Small Business Week May 2-5 with a proclamation signing April 29 at Enterprise City Hall. Enterprise Mayor William Cooper said small businesses create two-thirds of all new jobs for all workers, employ more than one-half of the American work force and are responsible for half the private gross domestic product. 

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Tots2Tweens celebrated its grand opening with a ribbon cutting on Friday, Oct. 1. The business is located at 126B South Main Street in Enterpr…

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The Alabama Farmers Federation is planting seeds for a healthy future by awarding $133,250 in scholarships to Auburn University students seeking degrees in agriculture, forestry and related industries. Eighty students were honored during the organization’s scholarship reception at Lazenby Farms in Auburn Sept. 27.

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Lt. Col. Leslie Oakes, incoming commander of Fort Irwin Dental Clinic Command, receives the Fort Irwin Dental Clinic Command colors from Col. Robert Selders, Jr., commander of the Fort Carson Dental Health Activity Command

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If you live in Alabama and are low-income, age 60 or older and/or disabled, programs are available to help pay utilities and improve the energy efficiency of your home.

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Coffee County Administrator Rod Morgan has been elected the 2021-2022 president of the Association of County Administrators Alabama (ACAA), the statewide association representing Alabama’s county administrators.

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The Alabama Department of Labor began processing payments for the CARES Act extensions provided for in the recently enacted H.R. 133, including the additional $300 weekly Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC) payment. 

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Rep. Barry Moore announces that he has been selected to serve on the House Agriculture Committee and the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs for the 117th Congress. 

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The Internal Revenue Service announces that the nation’s tax season will start on Friday, Feb. 12, when the tax agency will begin accepting and processing 2020 tax year returns.

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S Todd Mitchell, of Enterprise, is a new member of the American Angus Association®, reports Mark McCully, CEO of the national breed organization headquartered in Saint Joseph, Mo.

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Most adults who have had mild to moderate COVID-19 illness can now leave isolation after completing 10 days in home isolation and persons do not need to be retested before returning to work, according to newly released Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines.

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Following Gov. Kay Ivey’s new mask order, the Coffee County Commission has announced that all county buildings will require a mask or facial covering for entry beginning 5 p.m. on July 16.

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Celebrating its fifth anniversary this month, Bedzzz Express opened in Enterprise in May 2015 and has been dutifully serving customers ever since. 

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Family owned and operated for over 30 years, Coffee Auto Repair has served the community at its current location of 626 Glover Avenue in Enterprise since 2001. 

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After being forced to close due to COVID-19 guidelines, Enterprise’s Yancey Parker’s is back open and busier than ever, and its owners couldn’…

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The Enterprise Tourism Department, Main Street program, Chamber of Commerce and the Enterprise Fire Department are teaming up to help businesses in the reopening process after a month-long business shutdown.

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River Bank & Trust Wiregrass Region President J. Robbin Thompson is pleased to announce that Alex Culbreth, Kelley Marler and Angie Sullivan have been promoted to Assistant Vice President.

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Alabama Department of Labor Secretary Fitzgerald Washington announced that the agency has launched a new online tool to enable claimants to see the status of their claim, tell them what the next steps are, and what to expect from the department. 

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Eighteen years after a devastating tornado hit town, one of the businesses that was forced to close as a result is set to make its return to town. Wendy’s, located at 85 North Daleville Avenue, reopened Monday, April 6 on a drive thru only basis. The brand new, state of the art Wendy’s is situated on the same location as the original Wendy’s in town.

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The Enterprise Farmer’s Market was open Saturday morning, April 25, for customers to purchase fruits and vegetables, boiled peanuts, local honey, jams and jellies, homemade salsa and baked goods, soaps, plants and much more. There were guidelines to follow and sampling the vendors’ products was not allowed.