Tots2Tweens celebrated its grand opening

On hand for the occasion were, front row, from left, Teen Miss Enterprise Ella Hogan, Little Miss Enterprise Emmy Kate Poss, Future Little Miss Enterprise Tenley Ann Bomhard, Jacque Hawkins, Lee Yohn, Abby Staples, Owner Wendy Grimes, Marty Horton, Mayor William Cooper, Dawn Johnson, Chamber Ambassador Heather Jones and Donnia Rambin. Back row, from left, are Zack Yohn, Doug Wynn, Dale Grimes, Lori Nelson, Angie Sullivan, LeeAnn Capps, Councilman Scotty Johnson, Lee Milliner, Alicia Rená and E’liyah Failes. 

Tots2Tweens celebrated its grand opening with a ribbon cutting on Friday, Oct. 1. The business is located at 126B South Main Street in Enterprise. On hand for the occasion were, front row, from left, Teen Miss Enterprise Ella Hogan, Little Miss Enterprise Emmy Kate Poss, Future Little Miss Enterprise Tenley Ann Bomhard, Jacque Hawkins, Lee Yohn, Abby Staples, Owner Wendy Grimes, Marty Horton, Mayor William Cooper, Dawn Johnson, Chamber Ambassador Heather Jones and Donnia Rambin. Back row, from left, are Zack Yohn, Doug Wynn, Dale Grimes, Lori Nelson, Angie Sullivan, LeeAnn Capps, Councilman Scotty Johnson, Lee Milliner, Alicia Rená and E’liyah Failes.

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