DAR Good Citizens winners

DAR Good Citizens winners are, from left, Brayden Watson, Blake Senn, John Coffee Good Citizen Chair Liz Barton, Callie Pope and Drew Cashin. Not pictured is Quintin Hayes.

The 2021 overall winner of the John Coffee National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution Chapter Good Citizen’s Award and Scholarship Contest was Elba High School’s Callie Pope.

Created in 1934, this award recognizes and rewards individuals who possess the qualities of dependability, service, leadership and patriotism in their homes, schools and communities.  These students were selected by their teachers and peers because they demonstrated these qualities to an outstanding degree. 

Each year, the John Coffee DAR Good Citizen’s Award and Scholarship Contest Chair, Liz Barton, works with the school counselors from each of the five high schools in Coffee County to have them submit their “Good Citizen” to represent their school.

From these five, one is selected as the overall winner and the winner’s Good Citizen’s package is submitted to the State DAR Chair to be judged at the state level.  Each entry is presented with a certificate and a good citizen’s pin and the winner is presented with a monetary gift from the DAR Chapter. The recommendation included a detailed package on the individual’s overall accomplishments and an essay answering the question - “How do the qualities of a good citizen (dependability, service, leadership and patriotism) help support our nation?”

Pope is the daughter of Martha and Aaron Pope and is first in her class at Elba High School.  She is the SGA president and drum major for the Elba High School band. She is also the president of Senior Beta.

In her essay Pope wrote, these are “four ways that good citizens can grow and prosper to become great citizens. Without them, there would hardly be good things in life. Good jobs, good change, good people because those that use dependability, service, leadership and patriotism everyday are those that will make a difference, not only for those around them, but the whole nation.”  Upon graduation, Pope plans to attend Auburn University or Mississippi State University to pursue an engineering degree.

The other four winners are:

• Enterprise High School: Quentin Hayes. Hayes is the son of Christina and Juan Hayes.  He is a member of the National Honor Society; and a member of the varsity football, basketball and track and field teams. He was named to the Dothan Eagle’s Super 12 in Basketball and Honorable Mention in Super 12 Football.

In response to the essay topic he wrote, “A good citizen is an accountable person that serves and leads others and has a great pride in their homeland.  Good citizens do what they do not for glory, but to make everyone else around them better. They hold themselves accountable for their actions and work their best to fix mistakes. Good citizens are what help shape our nation!” Upon graduation, Hayes plans to attend college to pursue a degree in psychology.  Hayes was unable to attend the awards ceremony.

• Kinston High School: Blake Senn. Senn’s parents are Lori and Adam Senn. He serves as the Beta Club president, the MU Alpha Theta Club president, FBLA vice president and as a Bulldog Ambassador. Senn is a member of the varsity football, basketball and golf team.  Senn wrote on the essay topic, “These four qualities help people better understand what it means to be a good citizen.  A small change in the actions of one person can have an enormous affect on our nation just because that person wanted to make a difference.  Imagine the endless possibilities that could happen if everyone wanted to make a difference in society.”  Upon graduation, Senn plans to attend Auburn University to pursue a degree in computer science.

• New Brockton High School: Drew Cashin.  Cashin’s mother is Cheryl Cupp. Cashin is a Gamecock Representative, a member of the National English Honor Society, a member of MU Alpha Theta, a member of Senior Beta and a member of the varsity football and baseball team. Responding to the essay question, Cashin wrote “These qualities help our nation because good citizens help shape our nation.” Upon graduation, Cashin hopes to play baseball at a community college and continue his education at a four year university.

• Zion Chapel High School:  Brayden Watson. Watson’s parents are Kendra and Jonathan Thomas and Jenny and Brad Watson. Watson is a member of the FBLA, team captain for varsity football and basketball and is a member of the varsity baseball and cross country team.  On the essay topic Watson wrote, “Without good citizens to help when not asked and to do the right thing when no one is around we would not make it in this world.” Upon graduation, Watson plans to pursue a degree as a Physical Therapy Assistant.

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