
The Southeastern Public Health District offers COVID-19 testing in Enterprise and Dothan for patients who meet the testing criteria and while supplies are available. Due to limited staffing in this district, testing is only being provided in Coffee and Houston counties at this time. No COVID-19 retesting will be done.

The testing is scheduled as follows:

• Jan. 12, 19 and 26, Coffee County Health Department in Enterprise, Tuesdays from 8:30 until 10:30 a.m.

• Jan. 6, 13, 20 and 27, Houston County Health Department in Dothan, Wednesdays from 8:30 until 10:30 a.m.

Symptoms of COVID-19 consist of either cough or shortness of breath (difficulty breathing) or at least two of the following: fever, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, vomiting, diarrhea, sore throat, fatigue, congestion or runny nose, and new loss of taste or smell.

Testing criteria are as follows:

• Persons with symptoms

• Healthcare facility workers, workers in congregate living settings, and first responders with symptoms

• Persons without symptoms who have underlying medical conditions or disability placing them at a higher risk of complications or screening of other asymptomatic individuals based on a case-by-case review and approval by the state health department or local health jurisdiction

The Alabama Department of Public Health advises the following measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19:

• Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for 20 seconds

• Social distance by staying 6 feet away from others

• Avoid people who are sick

• Stay home if you can; work remotely if possible

• Cover your mouth and nose with a face covering when around others

• Cover coughs and sneezes

• Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces

• Monitor your health

For more information, please contact the Southeastern Public Health District at (334) 792-9070 or visit

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