Letters to Santa

The Southeast Sun has recently obtained some letters to Santa Claus from children in the Enterprise City Schools System and we would like to share them with our readers. The entire staff at The Sun wishes everyone a Merry Christmas this holiday season.

All the letters received may not appear in this Letters to Santa Special Section, but we did forward them on to Santa.


Amy Johnston’s Third Grade Class

Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a Rainbow keyboard, PS5, a Tablet, a 3D printer, I have been splendid this year!

Lucas A.

Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like fidgets, see people smile, love, Iphone, Dirt Bike. I have been good this year!

Addy B.

Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like clothes, shoes, leotards, hats, dance shoes. I have been good this year!

Leah D.

Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a PS5, Dell compter, tablet, wand, toy poop. I have been okay this year!

Henry H.

Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a bunny, a cat kid book, PS4, vr head sat. I have been nice this year!

Payton K.

Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a PS5, drone, house, TV, Christmas Tree. I have been happy this year!

Bryams M.

Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a nerf gun, gold Joordans, shorts, glod chains, shirt. I have been good this year!

Brandon P.

Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like an elf, elf on the shelf. I have been good this year!

Deisel C.

Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a toy, book, toy car, crayons, bolloons. I have been good this year!

Elvin A.

Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like 333000 Dollars, X box series x, Golden air Jordans, PS5, Pro, Porshe wit keys. I have been good this year!

Hector R.

Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a ninijago, imagine x, a rodot frend, a treasurex, a bat man toy. I have been nice and good this year!

Daniel P.

Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a magnetic balls, more toys for my new dog, mouth wash, a sweater for my new dog, a new bed sheet. I have been very good this year!

Preston B.

Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a doll, back pack, elf, book, water bottle. I have been good this year!

Brenda S.

Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like candy, elf, Chrismes, books, gamas tree. I have been good this year!

Diego T.

Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like $1,000, Jordan’s gold, iphone 13, gold chaine, PS5. I have been soo good and nice this year!

Brody W.


Tammy Davis’ Third Grade Class

Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a phone, a Spider-Man Lego set, 150 paged sketch book, animal crossing, Roblox gift card. I have been very good this year.


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like an ipad, books, money, puppy, legos. I have been outstanding this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a Beyblade heat salamander, a Beyblade launcher, a Beyblade xcaius, Phoenix. I have been super this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a Woody, RC car, a dog, Xbox, a computer. I have been awesome this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a flip phone, hoverboard, make up kit, earings, an old doll. I have been super this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a mini bike, Madden NFL 22, NBA 2K22. I have been super this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like Led lights, a baggy jacket, a computer, a puppy, an xbox. I have been outstanding this year.


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a rain drop seat, a Nindo swich, apods, a horse Lego set, an angle costume. I have been super this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like an easy bake oven, Percy Jackson book 2, Sabina doll, hamster, world peace. I have been excellent this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a Reborn doll, led light, Ipad, sewing machine, makeup. I have been fabulous this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like an iphone 12 pro max, Led lights, ipad/computer, clothes, pop its (Giant). I have been amazing this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like Led lights, ipad, Reborn dolls, Giant pop its, macbook. I have been

outstanding this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a Kenetik sand scents, slime kit, a car that has a charger, Nentindo Pokemon diamond, Nentindo Pokemon Pearl. I have been excellent this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like Hot Wheels, Books, RC boat, RC car, RC plane. I have been wonderful this year.


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a puppy, (poodle), ipad, clothes, Giant pop its, arts and crafts. I have been amazing this year.


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a lego motor, an ipad case, a paint set, a stylus, a rc plane. I have been wonderful this year.


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a scooter, basketball, toy magnent, play doh, Roblox gift card. I have been awesome this year.


Sandy Granger’s Third Grade Class

Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like an iphone 13, Barbie camper, makeup, mimi brands. I have been nice this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like toys, plushes, computer, food, chips. I have been nise year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like PLaystation VR headset, pop it, mini pool set, football, unspeakable hoodie. I have been nice this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a Hover board, fit-bit, a computer, sign language book, blank papers. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a 40 inch tv, a big dog, ps5, a baseball bat and glove. I have been a good boy this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like money, money, money, money, money. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a pug #real, a skateboard, Hachamul, a figet, for everyone to have a great Christmas. I have been nice this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a one wheel, bay blade burst turbo, AKEDO, pokemom cards, candy. I have been nice this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like $1 billion, $100 Trillion, $100 Quadrillion, $100 Quintillion, $999 Sextillion. I have been nice this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like Starbucks gift card, slime, LOLs, among us mistery plush, a cow print shirt. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a hoverboard, makeup, barbies, bclets, rings, neclaces, 6 puppies. I have been nice this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like aa dirt bike, a go kart, a four weeler, a boat, stuffed animal. I have been good this year.


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a Get to Glo fairy finder, fruit popits, yoga swing, yoga pose game, iphone. I have been good this year.


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a OMG doll, real kitten, all the figets, iphone 10, chrome. I have been nice and good this year.


Natasha King’s Third Grade Class

Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like more people for super smash bros, candy, Lord of the rings bord game, legos, more video games. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like baby doll clothing, baby doll furniture and finally to have a good Christmas. I have been trying to be good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like Five squishys, two pop its, a cute note book, a clipboard, an octopus fluffy. I have been so good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a Mario game, pokemon cup, sonic game, pokemon game. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like skates, a bike, a skate board, fidget toys, slime. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a mocntrol car, a cap gun, a new brother, but I would like to keep my old one. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a Hoverboard, bed, phone case, close, five pop its. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I have a Christmas list for you. I have been nice this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like more robux, more clothes. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a Yo go oh cards, bay blades, x box controllers, nik allstar brawl. I have been nice this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a NFL football, college football, picture of Saqklar Barkley, picture of Tom Brady, picture of Odell Bekham Jr. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like stuff for my bike, American Girl Doll stuff, Barbie furniture and stuff, Huverboard, clothes. I have been good this year.


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a mega nerf gun, football gear, paint ball gear, paint ball gear, nerf gear . I have been very, very good this year.


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a hover bourd, a phone with a sea case, a pop thing that you hold the phone with, a switch, begel seres books. I have been good this year.


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a hover board, a stuffed puppy, a raindeer, a na nana surprise, an O.M.G. doll. I have been good this year.


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like an alarm clock, notepad and a pen, a lot of books for hikeing, a lot of exersizeing stuf. I have been good this year.


Leah Solomon’s Third Grade Class

Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a rainbow high girl doll Jade Hunter cheer version, rainbow high girl doll carmen Major, Mimi brands set, Amya big Rainbow High girl doll, new air pods. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a ps5, Harry Potter legos, new Nintendo, gold Jordans, gold hoverboard, a pet cat that does not make my mom sneeze. I have been nauty and nice this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a new ps4 controller, ps4 hed set, a wedeter rack for my traler, $100, a tool set. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like Masters of the WWE universe, wrestling ring, Undertaker figure, Kane figure, snake fist stone cold. I have been nice this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a phone or tablet, lol doll or pet, animal pop it, lol truck, new puppy-a real one. I have been polite this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a pup, Mine brands set, shoes, clothes, laptop. I have been trying to be nice this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a Jeffy doll, shark puppet, xBox1, TV, 6 corn holers . I have been bad this year.


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a nentendo switch, eletrik scooter, toys, game for netendo switch. I have been both this year.


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a cat but make it a pretty one, a mini brand set, sims 4 on Jay’s laptop with pack, a day where we watch a Christmas movie, rainbow high doll. I have been okay this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like Universal trip of Disney, more mini brands, boots and mony, rainbow high dolls, Zatana and the house of secrets. I have been nice this year.


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like Jeffy, ps5, tv, nuk nerf. I have been naughty this year.


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like Rc cars, nintindo light, sonic maina for light, sonic toy, a mog us toy. I have been nice this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a basketball goal and ball, four wheeler, a new cat, snow, elf. I have been nice this year.


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a ps5, new controller, Jeffy doll, dirt bike. I have been maybe both this year.


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like rainbow high dolls, rainbow high doll house, mini brands, Amya big rainbow high doll, new air pods. I have been good this year!


Hillary Weilbacher’s Third Grade Class

Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like video games, legos. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a scooter, a laptop, a chair, an Xbox, 36 hot wheels pack. I have been joyful this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a VR Headset, a ps5, a game system, Nintendo switch, a wallet. I have been amazing this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like video games for my Nintendo. I have been perfect this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a for wheeler, a small labrodor retriever, nerf flipshot, a spider man sling shot, happy napper. I have been awesome this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a Rainbow high doll, gumball machine, Barbie, marshemellow dog pillow, real baby horse. I have been pleasant this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like toys, slime, apple watch, Christmas tree cup, phone. I have been wonderful this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like Legos, nerf guns, the new catkid comic club book, an xBox 1 gamepass, a vr headset. I have been perfect this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like Jodran 4s, Jordan poster, Anthony Davis poser, Ipod generation7, air pod case Los Angeles Lakers. I have been amazing this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like toys, makeup, a baby snake but not poison, shoes that glow up wen you walk, an apple watch. I have been fantastic this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a black fluffy fitbit, a red and yellow Netendo switch, a Hogwarts castle Lego set, a HP red computer, a marshmellow gun. I have been very amazing this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a gaming chair, a gaming headset, a pair of Jordans a eatch, a diamond sword and pickaxe. I have been fantastic this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a baby hippo, baby unicorn, a white fluffy puppy, real cats, real baby kitten. I have been fantastic this year!



Savannah Maddox’s Third Grade Class

Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a Nintendo switch, nerf ultra, rc car, a drone. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a Hoverboard, I phone 12 Pro, x box, drum, ps4 or ps5. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a rouldoph plushie, a magic mixie, a perfect petzzz German Sheperd plushie, a perfect petzzz food bowl. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like some legos, some bagugan, books, cloths, pokemom cards. I have been ok this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like shoes for my new dress, a computer, a phone, cinderella dress and shoes, a wand. I have been nice this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a chrome book, fidget box, bath bombs, bracelet making kit, apple pencil. I have been very amizing this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a camera, roller skates, a kitten, bracelet making kit, a bike. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a dirt bike, dirt bike goguls, camping stuf, mony, surprises. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a Barbie doll house, a scooter, tot house, finger nails, water bottle. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like cotton candy, lolly pop, food, toys, slime. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like shoes, under armour chug jug, ipad 10 pro, key board case for ipad 10 pro, Christmas tree. I have been a cool kid this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like butter slime 12 pack, cute camping tent, fidget box, white nail polish, bath bomb maker. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a drum set, white DeVonta Smith Alabama jersey, gismo, ps4 or ps5, Mac book pro. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a light blue camera, a hoverboard, a chrome book, a phone an apple watch. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a race car (Farrari) and a (Bagadi), phone, apple ipad, ps4 or ps5, Macbook Pro. I have been okay, but a few problems this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a doll house, a dog, clothes, shoes, makeup. I have been awsome this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a Hoverboard, bike, skateboard, iphone, scooter. I have been good this year!


Kari Rhoden’s Third Grade Class

Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a gogeta action figure, orbesd amibo, odruk amibo, mipha ambio, revali ambio. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like Aburn to win there next game, me and my family to all just hang out, a Hover board, skateboard, Meyah to not move anymore. I have been IDK this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like my big sister to have a dress, bord games for my family, I would like to have my mom and dad a jackeit. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like Heghog, Playstation, Elf, Nitendo, x box 1. I have been very good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a rainbow high, decidenc dolls, 1-3, better grades, better smart skill. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like xbox, x box series x, headset, a gaming computer, more robus, Mr Beast hoodie. I have been asome year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a Roblox on the vr, Frog hoodie, Pop it ball, guina pig hoodie, a small box of legos. I have been nice this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a PC setup, I want my Nintindo swich fixed. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a robot, a drone, a toy jet, a microscope, the game “No Man’s Sky”. I have been great this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like V bucks, Robucks apex money, Dragoon ball 2 games, phone. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a hoverboard, a lot of Ametia nedos, 1 hour with my dad, a Nintendo switch, 1 hour with Santa. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a ps5, elf, suff ligt, Lego, ps5 control and toy. I have been a good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a hover board, droling book, books, giant teddy bear, L.E.D. lites. I have been amasing this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a jump rope, a plushy, LOL surprise 2 pack, color pencils, Hatchamals. I have been great this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like Fortnite, 10,000 v bucks, iphone 13 pro, dog man pleases, barns and credit card. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a ps5, Xbox seires x, a life time supply of Taco Bell. I have been okay this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a new headset, Pokemon, me to spend time with my family, blacklight, money. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a Hover shift, suprises, drone with a spy camera, legoes, dinosaur figures. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like Taco Bell, iphone, ipad, money, pool. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like 1 play mobil set, a barbie bedroom set, a smaller cute pink unicorn plushie, a science set, a play mobil horse barn set. I have been great this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like for my dad to have safe travel to work, that my nana two horses will feel better, to get toys. I have been really good year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a slightly big candy corn bag, Rainbow Metalic make-up, an Elf on the shelf for my elf to hang with, a jiant bouncy castle, a kids credit card. I have been great this year!


Angie Sieving’s Third Grade Class

Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a PC, football, my nana to have a great Christmas, 65 two stroke dirt bike, shoes underamer. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a PS5, pc, key board, x box one, eggs. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a nrf gun, harry potter lego machin, I phone11, a drone, Breyer’s grades to get better. I have been very good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a phone, for my elf to come every day, all the five nights at Freddy’s stuff, for the poor not to be poor and to be safe, my dad to stay at home, but go to work and be at my birthdays. I have been haf good haf bad year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like for more people to help animals, Comic books, art supplies, supplies to make books, toys. I have been pretty good year!

Emma R.

Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like to get my dog back from Huntsville, the new fit bit, a Disney trip, Amarican Girl Doll, a trip to watch my friends solo. I have been amazing this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a light blue camera, a Nintendo, a PC, 10,000 robux, camera film for my camera. I have been very good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a brother, skateboard, corgi dog, vans, Aesthetic clothes. I have been very good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like an xbox one, Beyblade, busrt surge beyblades, Mirage fatnir Beyblade, air knight blade, cho-z Achilles beyblade . I have been nice this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a fit bit watch with a white band, I pad with case and pop soket, an iphone with white case, Harry Potter wand, a chrome book apple. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like my mom to open a restaurant, to be famous, my mom to be famous, new, electric scooter, Fifa 22, ps5. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a Fifa 21 swich, NBA 2K, Bundesliga ball, new dog man books, goal keeper gloves. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a pro scooter, dirt bike plastecks, 2 dirt bike toys, Blue angel toy, sniper nerf gun. I have been exalent this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a t-Rex, Hot wheels toys, my dad to go home, for my mom to stop working a lot, and for my dad to move. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a toy plastic soldier set, a toy full of 4 power armer stuff, a toy helicopter, a RC tank, a RC jet. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a drone, a book, a plane, a $1,000 bill, a dog. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a ps5, a new bike, a skate board. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like an elf on the shelf, Light bright, key change, books and AR books, bracelet. I have been good this year!

Emma M

Kaylee Spann’s Third Grade Class

Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a electric train, with a thrack, a girl elf nemd snowflake, a very big LoL surprise, big pot of slime, a very very snart robot dog. I have been a good girl this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a 20 gallon fresh water fish tank with lid, furniture to hold the 20 gallon fish tank, 5 gallon fresh water fish tank with lid, gravel for the 20 gallon fish tank, a drip line. I have been a very good boy this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like lol dolls, rabaw high doll, elf pet babys, elf pet close. I have been good year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a dog, a dirt bike, toy gun, hover bard, football. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a nerf gun, a hovon soccer ball, a pokemom. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like an elf on the shelf, a lap top, 5 packs of hot wheels, smart ipad robot dog, a6 packs of hot weels. I have been very good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like The newest download xbox, fidgets and pop its, vifa 22, 3 robus gift cards, a really beautiful necklace for my mom. I have been very good and helpful this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like goli keeper gloves, soccer shoes, soccer goli. I have been good this year!

Mark “T”

Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a bike, a football, a scooter, a nerfgun, a drone. I have been good year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like goo goo galaxy, American Girl Doll, swing that hangs on doors, camera, Don’t wake daddy. I have been nice this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like an elf on the shelf, squish toy, walky talky, lock it neckless, pen. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a 20 foot long air mat, a new makeup set, a new baby doll, a new lace that says Ellington in cursive, lulu lemon clothes. I have been amazing this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like dolls, unicorn. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a American Girl Doll, Microphone, Waterbottle, a camera, a girl elf named Crystal- what I really really want. I have been a good girl this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like pokemon cards, pokemon plushie, $1000,00000, football, a real diamond. I have been okay this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like 3 minecraft lego sets, RC truck, shead and Minecraft sword, nerf gun, ashon figure Steve. I have been fantast this year!



Craig Demby’s Third Grade Class

Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a chain, boxing gloves, punching bag, Go to Texas., dirt bike and a popet 5x, a dell chrome book charger and shoes air Jordans and Nike Air Forces. I have been good good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a bike no training wheels, a skooter board, doll house, a real life baby spirtl play, a playstation 5 and 4. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a skateboard, a phone, a ps5, Nintendo switch, electric skooter. I have been coocoo this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like an iphone, snack, skates, Leogos, a bunch of pop its. I have been good this year!

Ky Lynn

Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a 2021 ipad pro, spyra two water gun, playstation 5, nerf gun, google prixl pro. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a bike, football, hat, football gloves rc car. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a Dirt bike, dog, PC, PS5, electric car, football helmet and shoes. I have been good at school and home this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a ps5, iphone 13, Pertectian, skooter. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like an electric car, Nintendo Switch, Nerf gun, Shoes, clothes. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like skates, I phone, apple watch, clothes, bike, Roku t.v. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a Barbie, iphone, make up, truck. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a PS5, iphone 13, Nintendo Switch, a trip to Lego land, electric car. I have been good this year!


Savannah Moring’s Third Grade Class

Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like Pokemon stuffed animals, Lego sets, Fgteev Boom Box, big and mini tv, colikte balls, books, VR headset, hoverboard, laptop animal crossing, bobaseta pusschine cat. I have been good this year!

Ezra Clint

Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a hoverboard, a PS5, a headset, a iphone Pro Max, a water bottle. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a bike, football, hat, football gloves rc car. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a netdoswitch, Iphone 10, Ipad, putsie surprise, stuff animal. I have been good and nice this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a dirt bike, a dog, a bog cake, a big play home. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a toy hotwheels car, a lot uf fake plants, a mine tv, a windmits it, a hex a twin hexis, my favorite sturtahaml. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like clothes, sgoes, leotards, hats, dance shoes. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like any animal crossing stuff, sweatshirts, anything fluffy, notebooks, or surprise me. I have been Amazing (I think) this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like Shirts, notebooks, pencil pouch, pants, folders. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like comic books, more math, more reading, more science, school. I have been good this year!



Lee Bount’s Third Grade Class

Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like an apple watch, apple tablet, phn, hub bord, books. I have been good nis year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a Spongebob and johnny test coloring book, a box of legos, peppa pig house. I have been kind this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a nail kit, mini fridge, nail tips, jewelry, puppy. I have been a very nice girl this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a kids go pro cam, The perfect realistic MAX Carnage costume, a toy orange energy sword from Halo 5, a rare $100 13,500 vbucks card, a stack of paper to make stories. I have been great this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a hair mannequin, makeup kit, type writer, airpods pro, hover board. I have been nice this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a cat, a new wolf plush, a wildcraft back pack, 5 wolf t shirts, a happy family. I have been sweet and kind this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like 8 kittens, 1 puppe, 1 ranedeer, a speshulee, I wount the best Chrismis and 25 more kittins. I have been fantastic this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a LOL doll, books, a phone, toy pig, The Cat and the Hat. I have been nice this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like Minecraft toys, ps5, rob lox toys, gorge piggy prusety. I have been great year.


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a gaming set, all the fgtv toys, iphone 13 pro, fortnite game, xbox. I have been fantabulos this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a pop it 2, a kpetr, a slam, a new nafong for my sister. I have been amazing this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like an iphone 13, bean bag, a lot of books, mrkrs. I have been fabulis this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like books, toys, playstation 5, trx toy. I have been kind this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like wings, One for all, a hover board, a bike, a nerf gun. I have been playful this year!


Suzanne Bruce’s Third Grade Class

Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I want a good day, a dog, a car when I get 15, a Fox, a bat. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I want a Apollo 11 play set, ultimate Saturn playlist, BOBCAT 743 toy, Flying scouts man toy. I have been good nice year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I want a Godzilla toy, King Kong toy, Gigan toy, Shin Godzilla toy, iphone. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I want a Chromebook, some stuff to make slime, a good Bf pls, a phone pls, apple wach. I have been okay this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I want battle ships, army trucks, army men, army helicopters, nerf guns. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I want roller blades, a few pop its, a make-up kit, candy, a few figits. I have been good and kind this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I want a hamster, a bike, a hoover board, telescope, cotton candy maker. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I want a LOL doll, pans with a cat, a santa hat, a girl doll name Gabby, a hat forsis. I have been good this year!

Gabrielle R.

Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I want a rodom, a nerf gun, Five nights at Freddys Lego set, iron man . I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I want figits, slime, a watch, stuffed animal, a remote car. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I want one doll, magic mixe, cat, trompelen. I have been amazing this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I want a squid game merch, squid game people, all 4561 guards, Barbie doll/reterant pack, pig pet toy 12, Alexinquster master merch. I have been very good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I want breyers horse (big), a set of breyers horses, a real pet ferry, my hero Acidamia hoodie, hamster cloths. I have been fab this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I want a family trip, a phone, a pop it 5 of them, make good grades, and have a good teacher. I have been good and great this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I want snow, steak, to go to waterpark, a ps5 and fortnite, call of duty. I have been the best this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I want a Nintendo wii, 3000000000 $100 fortnite cards, 5 pools, end world hunger, 220 computers. I have been I don’t know this year!

Gabriell J.

Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I want 10,000 bucks, mokchrol car, $100, ipad. I have been good this year!


Kristina Parrish’s Third Grade Class

Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a gopo, pokemom booster boxes, vr head set, I phone 13. I have been great this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like new shoes, new pokemon, new Nintendo switch, new head phones, candy. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like new markers, a color book, 10 fidgets, new color 400 set, 100 fidgets. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like $1000000000 for my mom. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like battle ships, army trucks, army men, army helicopters, nerf guns. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like roller blades, a few pop its, a make-up kit, candy, a few figits. I have been good and kind this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like an iphone 12, ps5, 100 chocolate founten, colting set 400, you tube button, gold. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a trampoline, Alabama mug, a board game, a camera, a iphone 13. I have been very good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a new screene for my ipad, polaroid camera, phone, puppy dog, fidgets pleeeeees. I have been goodish this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a tablet. I have been nice this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a new iphone 13, slime, a ring, a pop its, a ps5. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like an iphone, ps5, a new Nintendo switch, pop it, Kyrle Irving shoes. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like an iphone, bike, a big house with stairs, a laptop, become tik tok famous. I have been goodish this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like pop tube, magnets, a pet kitty, a fidget, Robux. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like led lights, oculus quest 2, Gameboy, 3x3 rubixcube, ps5. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a puppy, a book, a chrt, to try a toxic waste candy, camera. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like an iphone 13, $1,000, big polaroid camera, my mom activate my it band, lemon heads. I have been great, awesome, fabules this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a star light idol, 3x hatchimals, clothes, x3 lol dolls, shoes. I have been perfect this year!


Marcia Talley’s Third Grade Class

Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a tablet, motorcycle, bat, iphone, snow. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a puppy, an iphone, a laptop. I have been good nice year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like my very own Golden Retriever puppy, Lots of clothes for school, My very own sloth, some robux, decorations in my room. I have been sweet this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a Roblox toy, a doll, a waterbottle, elf on the shelf, playdo. I have been fun this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like Fortnite kits the cat, LoL dolls for my sis, bro, Fortnite toys, The cat kid book, a fan for my room. I have been kind this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like erasers that look like objects, For my parents to go get anything they want for Christmas, 52 hoodies that are bigger than me, a cute and friendly dog, eraser that looks like a dog. I have been really friendly this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like markers, heart stencils, colored pencils, elf on the shelf, blend pen. I have been awesome this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like an Iphone 11 pro max, peace in the world, my grandma back to life, a laptop, crestles. I have been relly relly kind this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a huverborde, a Bravs jersey, pokemon cads, a bunney, baseball cards. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a book, minecraft, sonic, boll. I have been helpful year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a dirt bike, ps5, a gift for my grandma. I have been good this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a Tesla for my grandma, LoL doll for my little brother, a computer, shoes for my mom. I have been fantastic this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a huverborde, a rainbow pin, desk pet for home, art splis, fun eraser. I have been nice and kind this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a giant eraser, a giant Ibominis Rex, a a remotcuntrole truk, nrfgun, toy dragon. I have been grate this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like a blue flip phone, a Patrick plusy, a black notebook, a toy lamb, a Minecraft book. I have been helpful this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like pokemon cards, pokemon plushie, $1000,00000, football, a real diamond. I have been okay this year!


Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like 3 minecraft lego sets, RC truck, shead and Minecraft sword, nerf gun, ashon figure Steve. I have been fantast this year!


Merry Christmas!

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