Enterprise YMCA Director Richard Pipkin welcomes members, family, friends and guests to the YMCA 50th Anniversary Celebration/Pool Project on Thursday, June 25.He thanked the community for helping reach their pool project goal of $75,450. Pipkin has been director of the Enterprise YMCA since 1984.

Enterprise YMCA improvements and accomplishments since 1974

1974 - Construction of a new gymnasium, started basketball, volleyball and day care

1976 - Olympic size pool constructed

1977 - Four-color coated asphalt tennis courts

1978 - After school camp pickup for ages five to 12 years old

1979 - State licenses the Christian preschool for ages two and one half to five years olds

1979 - Youth soccer started

1980 - Replaced gymnasium concrete floor with wooden floor

1982 - Additional lights and sprinkler system installed and fence installed on soccer/T-ball fields

1984 - Additional to fitness center cardiovascular room and nursery

1998 - Renovation to fitness center and new equipment added

2000 - Four additional summer camp/after school camp rooms and two preschool rooms

2008 - New wooden floor in the aerobic room

2015 - New rubberized floor in the weight room and cardio room

2017 - Painted and renovated fitness center

2018 - Painted interior and exterior gymnasium and camp rooms

2019 - Digital sign installed

2020 - Implemented an electronic check-in system at the fitness center

2020 - Replastered/retiled pool and caulked pool deck

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