Perry Vickers

Enterprise City Council President Perry Vickers announces he will seek the office of Mayor of Enterprise in the city election on Aug. 25.

Vickers is a 1965 graduate of Enterprise High School. He presently serves as President and District 3 Councilman for the city. He has a bachelor’s degree in history education, a certification in guidance and counseling, a master’s degree in school administration and an AA (ED.S) in school administration and supervision, all from Troy University.

Vickers is a retired teacher, guidance counselor, school administrator and minister. He was employed in the Enterprise City Schools System for 38 years. He was assistant principal at Enterprise High School for five years and principal of Dauphin Junior High School for 18 years. After serving 18 years in ministry, he is now retired from the United Methodist Church and is a member of St. Luke United Methodist Church.

Serving in all these areas, Vickers feels he has the qualifications to serve the citizens of Enterprise as their mayor. His entire life has been spent serving others and he would like to continue in this capacity making a difference in the lives of the community.

Vickers said that while being an ambassador for the city is an important part of the mayor’s responsibility, administration and supervision of the daily operations of the city is of equal, if not more, importance. He feels the day-to-day operations of the city are in need of greater supervision and administration. The city council needs to be kept up to date as to the city operations and there needs to be continued emphasis on improving the city’s infrastructure as well as paving of streets. He would work with the council to bring to fruition the proposed Wellness Center and soccer complex.

In the past four years, Enterprise and Coffee County has experienced unprecedented growth. The emphasis on economic development and relations with Fort Rucker needs to continue. In the last two years, the city and county has experienced exceptional development with over $305 million in industrial expansions and the creation of over 1,200 jobs upon completion of the VA home. The collaboration between the city council and the county commission has been a focal point of his leadership.

Vickers is married to the former Elizabeth Fleming of Enterprise. She is a retired elementary school teacher from Enterprise City Schools.

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