Happy Halloween

• Trick-or-Treat is scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 30, from 6 - 8 p.m., in Daleville. Level Plains will have Neighborhood Trick-or-Treat from 5 -7 p.m., Oct. 30 and a Trunk or Treat will be from 6-8 p.m., in the Level Plains Park. Motorists should use caution during this time, as children will be present.

• The Scarecrow Festival and Car Show is scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 30 at Culpepper Park. The car show will be from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. and the Scarecrow Festival will be from 1-5 p.m. followed by Trick or Treat in the Park at sundown. The car show will have 14 classes with a cash prize for “Best in Show” and “Chamber’s Choice.” A scarecrow decoration contest will also be held for “Best Scarecrow” and “Best Fall Décor.” Those interested in participating in the car show or decorating a scarecrow should contact the Daleville Area Chamber at (334) 598-6331 or email [email protected]

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