The 30th Claybank 5K Run, Walk and Fun Run, a Dothan Runners Club Grand Prix Race, is scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 2. This event was initially begun and sponsored by the late Joe Outlaw and his wife Cathy. The Claybank 5K, Walk and Fun Run is a trail event held at Ed Lisenby Lake in Ozark. All funds raised benefit the scholarship fund at Vivian B. Adams School.

A scholarship for an individual at VBAS is an expensive endeavor, costing upwards of $1,200 monthly. Over 3,000 deserving individuals are on the state waiting list for services at facilities like Vivian B. Adams School. Proceeds from the Claybank 5K help provide tuition funding for individuals in Barbour, Coffee, Dale, Henry, Houston and Pike Counties

Registration will begin at 7 a.m. at Ed Lisenby Lake in Ozark. The course is a rolling wheeled course around a trail at the lake. Aid stations are at each mile. Awards, snacks and door prizes will be given out at the end of the race.

Entry fee is $20 for the 5K and walkers if registered before Sept. 24 with registration fee of $25 on race day. Pre-register to reserve a correct shirt size on race day.

Checks can be mailed to: Vivian B. Adams School, 2047 Stuart Tarter Road, Ozark, AL 36360.

For race applications or sponsorship information, please contact Susan Owens, Resource Coordinator, at (334) 618-5189 or at [email protected]

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