• The Above the Best Silver Chapter of the US Army Warrant Officers Association will be holding its in-person, monthly meeting at 11:45 a.m. on Dec. 10, at Swartworth Hall, 5302 Outlaw Street, Fort Rucker.  This meeting is open to all warrant officers or those interested in warrant officer issues.

• Primo’s Grill and Deli, 490 N. Daleville Ave. in Daleville, is a drop off location for Toys for Tots. Drop off any new or unused toy unwrapped through Dec. 11.

• The annual Winter Family Fun Fest is ongoing at Culpepper Park through Saturday, Dec. 12. The event will feature rides, games, food, a petting zoo and pony rides. Gates will open at 5 p.m. through Friday and 3 p.m. on Saturday. Parking and attendance is free. COVID-19 precautions will be in place.

• The city of Level Plains Police Department is conducting a toy drive to collect unwrapped toys for children that will be distributed to children in the community Dec. 19. According to Level Plains Mayor Ronnie Thompson, those interested are asked to donate unwrapped toys at Level Plains City Hall Mondays through Fridays until Dec. 18.

• The Daleville Department of Public Safety is conducting a coat drive collecting men’s, women’s and children’s jackets, used or new through Dec. 23. There is a drop box located in the lobby of the Daleville Police Department at 730 S. Daleville Avenue.

• There will be a town hall meeting on Friday, Jan. 8, at 11 a.m. at Chopper’s Ol School BBQ in Daleville. Those who wish to attend need to RSVP to Kevin Turley at (334) 379-8286 to ensure there is adequate space and COVID-19 distancing. This meeting is being conducted by councilman Turley and no public funds are being used.

• The Daleville High School Band is in search of instruments anyone would like to donate for needy students to use in the band. If you have an old instrument you are not using, please bring it to Daleville High School and drop off for our students to use.

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