ESCC announces President’s, Dean’s Lists for Fall 2021

Enterprise State Community College is pleased to announce the students from ESCC and the Alabama Aviation College in Ozark, a unit of Enterprise State, who have been named to the President’s and Dean’s Lists for the Fall 2021 semester. 

To be placed on the President’s List, students are required to maintain a semester grade point average of 4.0 and complete a minimum semester course load of 12 semester credit hours of college-level work. For Fall 2021, 130 students have been recognized. 

Local students named to the President’s List are:

Jeff Edward Bell, Connor Evan Cox, Wisam Ghassan Dalati, Laura Katherine Davis, Barry G Goforth, Christian Isaiah Griffith, Matthew Tatsuhiko Hoelscher, Chuck Hood, Jaden Alexis Ivey, Jocelyn Pakwan Jones, Joshua Michael McCray, Ciara Melendez, Brayton Scott Moore, Cody Patrick Norris, Robert Harley Oborne, Aaron Joseph Phillips, Shelby Lynn Pilcher, Matthew Cole Rickenbacker, Aurora Isabelle Saunders Rigdon, Alfonso J Smith, Micah Holden Smith, Makayla Rae Thomas, Jayden M Trimm, Casey Leigh Valerio, Bryson Vasilevich, Mayra Mercedes Vazquez-cruz, Matthew Bryant Waters, Avery Fritzgerld Weed, Nisal Sanjuna Wijekularathna, Nudam Wijekularathna, Christopher B Williams and Kobe A Williams of Enterprise; and Kimberly Adkison Holloway, Haley Brooke Jones, John Clay Reynolds, Suzie Grace Strickland, Jayleana Marie Teele, Michael Shane Watson and Jonathan Garrett Zorn of New Brockton High School.

Local students named to the Dean’s List are:

Dream Kyla Beasley, Richard J Bigelow, Hanna Nicole Brown, Luis Enrique Calixtro Olea, Madelynn E Carr, Joseph Braden Chalker, Emma Claire Coe, Avery Taylor Cook, Michael Blane Cox, Jordan Trace Crain, Rachel Lauren Ennis, Janela Asia Foor, Briton Terrell Foster, Emma Grace Fulton, Ava Grace Gothard, Katelyn Renee Hurley, Alyssa Megan Lefebvre, Jackson Brett Lessmann, Kianna Vanessa Lezcano, Lindsey N Ludlam, Payton Leanna Neal, Katherine Suzanne Nelsen, Hannah Nguyen, Madyson Grace Reavis, Victoria Reynolds, Aryana Marie Rivera, Lauro F Rivera, Emalee Paige Rogers, Chelsea Arianna Ruiz, Tyler Cotton Sherrer, Leon Hillman Shirley, Jonathan A Sipper, Spencer Austin Smedley, Taylar Mackenzie Spann, Faith Jean Stadler, Hunter James Sumrall, John Austin Thomas, Michael Anthony Villarreal, Michael Josh Wendel, Kassidy Paige Wiggins and Jadyn A Williams of Enterprise; and Lexie Taylor Adkison, Joseph William Anderson, Jordan Lee Boland, James Tanner Macon, Alayna Pearl Redmond and Cameron Reese Thompson of New Brockton.

Mansoor achieves APSU Dean’s List Fall 2021

Austin Peay State University is proud to recognize James Mansoor from Enterprise as one of the students named to the Dean’s List for academic achievement during Fall 2021.

To qualify for the Dean’s List, students must earn a semester GPA of 3.5 or greater.

Troy University announces Chancellor’s List for Fall Semester/Term 2

Troy University is pleased to announce students who have been named to the Chancellor’s List for the Fall semester and Term 2 of the 2021/2022 academic year. Full-time undergraduate students who are registered for at least 12 semester hours and who earn a grade point average of 4.0 qualify for the Chancellor’s List. The Fall semester includes students at the Troy campus. Term 2 includes students at Troy’s campuses in Dothan, Phenix City and Montgomery, along with locations outside of Alabama and online.

Local students named to the list include:

Jayme Ball, Joseph Baril, Tayler Boynton, Douglas Bright, Shirley Brunson, Maggie Bryan, Ava Carnazza, Patrick Casey, Diane Coslett, Victoria Cote, Makala Cox, Miranda Deleon, Travis Ellis, Madison Gilbert, Lauren Griffin, Hannah Grimes, Danielle Holley, Ryan Howard, Conner Howell, Richard Howell, Ryan Hussey, Ashley Jones, Dahlia Kawaii, Tony Labib, John Petersen, Gerry Pinson, Nicole Prater, Nathaniel Rodriguez, Courtney Solie, Denise Sutton, Amanda Tertychny, Makisha Thorn, Brandy Tice, Michael Vollmer, Sidney Wade and Madilyn Webb of Enterprise; and Jaden Boland, Brannon Brown, Amber Jones and Caitlyn Nolin of New Brockton.

Troy University announces Provost’s List for Fall Semester/Term 2

Troy University is pleased to announce students who have been named to the Provost’s List for the Fall Semester and Term 2 of the 2021-2022 academic year. Full-time undergraduate students who are registered for at least 12 semester hours and who have a grade point average of at least 3.65 qualify for the Provost’s List. The Fall Semester includes students at the Troy campus. Term 2 includes students at Troy’s campuses in Dothan, Phenix City and Montgomery, along with locations outside of Alabama and online.

Local students named to the list include:

Ashley Adams, Brian Asselstine, Taliesen Audiss-Adams, Eva Bradley, Stephanie Bradshaw, Ashley Brooks, Jessica Carlos, Gary Chapman, Keegan Covington, Samantha Cox, Parker Drennen, Kelly Gonzalez, John Hood, Madison Lascano, Samuel McHenry, Matthew Nichols, Jung Hoon Park, Hannah Parker, Cj Pelinggon, Cynthia Rocha, Tyasia Rogers, Kelsey Thomas, Amadeua Thompson, Mirna Thompson, Isheia Verser, Zamaria Warren and Brittany Wyatt of Enterprise; and Esteban Garcia, Matthew Lindley and Michael O’Neill of New Brockton.

McDermott named to Kennesaw State’s Fall 2021 Dean’s List

Marissa McDermott of Enterprise was named to Kennesaw State University’s Fall 2021 Dean’s List in recognition of academic achievement.

McDermott, an Integrative Studies major, was among the more than 7,300 students named to the Fall 2021 Dean’s List. To qualify, students must earn a grade point average of 3.5 or higher and complete a minimum of nine credit hours.

SNHU announces Fall 2021 President’s List

Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) congratulates the following students on being named to the Fall 2021 President›s List.

Full-time undergraduate students who have earned a minimum grade-point average of 3.700 and above are named to the President’s List. Full-time status is achieved by earning 12 credits; undergraduate day students must earn 12 credits in the fall or spring semester, and online students must earn 12 credits in either EW1 & EW2, EW3 & EW4, or EW5 & EW6.

Local students named to the list include Jon Morris of Enterprise.

Vickers named to SNHU Dean’s List

Emily Vickers of Enterprise has been named to Southern New Hampshire University’s Fall 2021 Dean’s List.

Full-time undergraduate students who have earned a minimum grade-point average of 3.500 to 3.699 are named to the Dean’s List. Full-time status is achieved by earning 12 credits; undergraduate day students must earn 12 credits in the fall or spring semester, and online students must earn 12 credits in either EW1 & EW2, EW3 & EW4, or EW5 & EW6.

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