Vote 2020

Voter registration deadline approaching

The deadline for registering to vote in the Nov. 3 General Election is Monday, Oct. 19 at 4:30 p.m. The Board of Registrars’ office is located in the Coffee County Complex, Highway 84W, New Brockton.

Requirements to register to vote are:

• Person must be 18 years of age and a United States citizen; and

• Person must live at the address provided on the application to register; and

• Person must not be barred from voting by reason of felony conviction; and

• Person must not have been adjudged “mentally incompetent” in a court of law.

Voters who want to update their voting information to reflect a change in name or address should contact the Board of Registrars. The telephone number for the Board of Registrars is (334) 894-5347.

For further information contact the Coffee County Board of Registrars, 6 County Complex, Highway 84W, New Brockton.

To register to vote online, please visit

Alabamians may also obtain a voter registration application Driver License Offices, Libraries, and at Alabama Public Assistance offices such as Medicaid, WIC and DHR

Photo voter ID cards available

Free Alabama photo voter ID cards are available to eligible voters. To receive a free Alabama photo voter ID card a voter must show:

• A photo document or a non-photo identity document can be used if it contains your full legal name and date of birth;

• Documentation showing the voter’s date of birth (can be verified by information in the statewide voter file);

• Documentation showing the person is a registered voter (can be verified by voter registration information);*

• Documentation showing the voter’s name and address as reflected in the voter registration record (can be verified by voter registration information).*

* The processing agents will verify this item needed to receive the free Alabama photo ID card by checking the voter’s record in the statewide voter registration system.

For more information contact the Coffee County Board of Registrars Office at 334-894-5347, 1065 East McKinnon Street, 6 County Complex, New Brockton, Al 36351

Coffee County voting machines to be tested for 2020 General Election

On Tuesday, Oct. 27, beginning at 1:30 p.m., a public test of the DS-200 voting machines to be used in the Nov. 3 General Election will be conducted at the Farm Center Coliseum Building at the Coffee County Complex, Hwy. 84 W, New Brockton. The public test is open to the general public and is invited to attend. This public testing is pursuant to §17-7-25 Code of Alabama, 1975 as amended.

For further information contact Jodee R. Thompson, Judge of Probate, Enterprise office – 347-2688 or Elba office – 897-2211, or check out the website at

Absentee voting deadline Oct. 29

Please note that Thursday, Oct. 29 at 4:30 p.m. is the deadline to apply for absentee ballots for the Nov. 3 General Election.

Applications for absentee voting are available at the absentee election manager’s office in New Brockton. Absentee Election Manager is Linda Mills with a mailing address of P.O. Box 427, New Brockton, AL 36351. Her physical location is 5 County Complex, New Brockton.

Any qualified voter may submit an absentee ballot application by mail or in person to the Absentee Election Manager’s office for the following reasons;

• The voter is out of the country or state on Election Day.

• The voter has any physical illness or infirmity which prevents the voter from attending the polls.

• The voter works a shift that has at least 10 hours, which coincide with the hours the polls are open at the voter’s regular polling place.

• The voter is a student enrolled in school outside the county of residence.

• The voter is a member, a spouse or a dependent of a member of the United Stated Armed Forces, or is similarly qualified to vote absentee according to the Federal Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act.

Alabama voters voting under the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act may receive additional information by contacting the Board of Registrars office or the office of the Alabama Secretary of State for expanded options.

Completed ballots must be returned by the voter in person to the Absentee Election Manager at P.O. Box 427, New Brockton, AL 36351 no later than one day prior to the election, or if mailed through the United States Postal Service, it must be postmarked no later than one day prior to the election.

Multiple ballots cannot be mailed in the same envelope.

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