• The Daleville High School Band is in search of instruments anyone would like to donate for needy students to use in the band. If you have an old instrument you are not using, please bring it to Daleville High School and drop off for our students to use. For more information, contact band director Mark Nichols at (334) 598-4461 ext. 5.

• The ARK of OZ Church, 4071 US Highway 231, five miles north of Ozark, will have a special Sunday morning worship service at 11 a.m., Oct. 18, featuring a concert by The Babbs from Bellvue, Ohio. A recognition of Sister Gann’s birthday will be included. Refreshments will be served after the service.

• The Newton Library Fall Festival is Saturday, Oct. 31, from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. There will be live music, a costume contest and games. The library is located at 209 Oates Drive in Newton.

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