What to do about a voting place on Fort Rucker for the Aug. 15 special called election for U.S. Senate was discussed at the Dale County Commission meeting July 11.
Traditionally Dale County voters assigned to the Rocky Head voting place on Fort Rucker have voted at the post elementary school.
The existing elementary school is being replaced by a temporary facility, being built near the Enterprise gate to the post, which will be used as a school during construction of a new elementary school on Fort Rucker.
The commission approved moving the voting to the Corvias Building—known to some as ‘the old Non Commissioned Officers Club’—located at 2908 Andrews Avenue.
Whether that building, which belongs to a private company, can be used in future elections needs to be discussed, said Dale County Commission Attorney Henry Steagall.
“We’ll just get through this election and then revisit the issue,” Steagall said. Although legally obligated to announce any voting place change at least three months before an election, the commission is authorized to approve the new location because the special called Aug.15 election is considered an emergency situation, Steagall said.
There are currently 911 registered voters at that voting place, according to Dale County Probate Judge Sharon Michalic, who told the commission that she is coordinating with the Dale County Board of Registrars to notify the voters via a mail out notice which is expected to cost about $400.
The next meeting of the Dale County Commission is Tuesday, July 25, at the Dale County Government Building in Ozark. The work session begins at 10 a.m. and is followed immediately by the voting meeting. Both meetings are open to the public.
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