Reeves running for mayor for Enterprise - The Southeast Sun: Pollitics

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Reeves running for mayor for Enterprise

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Posted: Wednesday, July 13, 2016 3:46 pm

Lister Reeves announces his decision to run for mayor of the city of Enterprise.

Reeves and his wife Shawn moved to Enterprise approximately 13 years ago. He owns and operates RBI Properties, a real estate investment company in Enterprise, and is involved in the real estate as well as construction business.

Reeves graduated with a master’s degree in Public Policy from Regent University, Virginia Beach, Va., in 1987. He obtained an associate’s degree in Theology from CFNI College, Dallas, Texas in 1985 and has a bachelor’s degree in Business from George Mason University, Fairfax, Va., in 1980.

Reeves and his wife are members of HighPointe Church in Enterprise. He is a member of the Enterprise Home Builders Association and has been a high school basketball official for the past 31 years. He is also currently a member of the Greater Enterprise Basketball Officials Association.

Reeves believes Enterprise is a good place to live and work. However, he believes that Enterprise is ready to take the next step forward and with the right leadership, energy and passion can propel itself into a city that is a great place to live and work, thus, becoming a desired destination and model city for potential industry, manufacturing and retail businesses. He has a strong commitment to the military, Fort Rucker and military related industries.

Reeves believes elected officials should be open and transparent and have an attitude that everyone’s voice matters. He believes effective leadership entails the ability to listen, surround one’s self with quality personnel, and always remember the office and position is more important than one person. He commits to being a mayor that is open, honest and authentic.

Reeves invites everyone to join the “Lister For Mayor” campaign and join the team to help Enterprise move forward into becoming a model city, not just in the Wiregrass area or the Southeast, but the entire nation.

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