Townsend announces candidacy for District 5 city council seat - The Southeast Sun: Pollitics

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Townsend announces candidacy for District 5 city council seat

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Posted: Thursday, June 23, 2016 10:33 am

Turner Townsend announces his candidacy for Enterprise City Council in District 5. Townsend is perhaps best known throughout the region as co-owner of his family business, Townsend Building Supply, an Enterprise-based company that was started in 1944 and employs approximately 90 individuals throughout its Wiregrass footprint in seven locations.

“I’m excited to announce my candidacy for District 5 in the Aug. 23rd election for Enterprise City Council,” said Townsend. “After many prayers and discussions with family, friends, and others in the community, I’ve decided that the best way I can help build a better Enterprise for all is to run for office and become a catalyst for change.”

Townsend intends to run on an open local government platform, while also presenting ideas on improving key issues for him which include education, emergency services, infrastructure, taxes and spending, and economic development.

“I look forward to explaining over the next nine weeks how I plan to improve and increase transparency, collaboration, and participation opportunities within our local government once I am elected,” added Townsend.

In addition to being a business owner and employer, Townsend has recently been engaged in community advocacy as a co-founder of Everyone’s Enterprise, a non-partisan 501c4 intended to educate and inform the citizens of Enterprise about issues affecting them and their children’s future and to promote open government.

An Enterprise-native and family man, Townsend is a husband and father to three girls and married to the former Lucy Hammock. He’s a life-long active member of First Baptist Church where he serves as a deacon. Townsend is also on the board of directors of the Enterprise Chamber of Commerce, is chair-elect of the Coffee County United Way, is on the Board of Trustees for the Wiregrass United Way, and is a member of the Board of Directors for the Construction Suppliers Association serving Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana.

To learn more about Townsend and his campaign, he invites the community to visit his campaign site at or on Facebook at

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