Thompson seeks District 6 seat - The Southeast Sun: Community

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Thompson seeks District 6 seat

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Posted: Thursday, December 10, 2015 12:14 pm

Jim Thompson announces his candidacy for the District 6 seat of the Coffee County Commission. A lifelong resident of Coffee County, he can and has made a positive impact in county government. His experience as a progressive commissioner for 12 years is proof of what he will do if elected.

“As the District 6 Commissioner from 2000-2012, my mission was to represent the citizens well. With a 99 percent attendance and participation record, my involvement demonstrated my dedication to the people and the job. It is more crucial now than ever that citizens are assured that special interest groups and corrupt politics do not dictate legislation on any level of government. Local government impacts the lives of so many people. This is not a position I take lightly.”

Thompson is aware of the importance of each District 6 voter. “Each vote represents a voice, and I want the District 6 voters of Coffee County to be heard. My vision for county government is to continue to find ways to improve the quality of life for the citizens. While Coffee County is a wonderful place to retire, I want young people to have a reason to put down roots here like I did. For 42 years, this has been home. I want to see it continue to be a ‘lighthouse community’ for the area and for the state.”

Thompson is a 1984 Enterprise High School graduate and a 1989 Auburn University graduate.

He currently serves as a deacon, Sunday School secretary, and on the publicity committee. He is also a member of the YMCA, supporter of the EHS Big Blue Marching Band, EHS JROTC, Enterprise E-Club, Enterprise Quarterback Club and Special Olympics.

He has been married to Beverly Hollis for 23 years. They have a son Sid, 19, an EHS graduate currently attending Auburn University; and a daughter Ele, 15, who currently attends Enterprise High School.

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