Goolsby seeking District 2 City Council position - The Southeast Sun: Community

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Goolsby seeking District 2 City Council position

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Posted: Friday, June 3, 2016 3:48 pm

Eugene Goolsby announced in October of 2015 his interest in seeking the District 2 city council seat in the Aug. 23 municipal election. This will be Goolsby’s first time to pursue a political office.

Goolsby is a 1969 Troy State University graduate with a bachelor’s in education. He was a former math instructor and has been a small business owner in the city of Enterprise for 37 years. Goolsby obtained a license as an Alabama Certified Master Plumber and Gas Fitter. He recently retired from Goolsby Bros. Plumbing & Electrical, Inc.

Goolsby has always been a supporter of the business community as a member of the Enterprise Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Business Association, Wiregrass Economic Development, and Business Council of Alabama.

He serves throughout the local community as an active member of St. Luke United Methodist Church and the Westside Neighborhood Association. He is a member of the Enterprise Lions Club, serving as president in 1999, and participates in the many activities sponsored by this civic-minded organization.

Goolsby is on the board of Enterprise Health and Rehabilitation. He has volunteered and sponsored events that improve the quality of life for citizens in the county. For these efforts and more, he was recognized as the 1999 Enterprise Man of the Year.

Goolsby has the courage to speak up for what is right and just. He has proven that he will utilize the skills and talents of volunteers in our community. He pledges to make himself available and encourage open forums to give residents the opportunity to share ideas and voice concerns. He has a strong work ethic openly as well as behind the scenes. Goolsby has a long-standing relationship of working with city employees and vows to treat each one with the dignity and respect they deserve.

Goolsby has been married to Charlene Goolsby for 49 years. They are the proud parents of two sons and enjoy six grandchildren.

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