Lee announces candidacy - The Southeast Sun: Community

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Lee announces candidacy

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Posted: Thursday, December 10, 2015 12:24 pm

Republican Mickey Lee has officially qualified as a candidate for Coffee County Commissioner District 6.

“I am excited to be an official candidate for Coffee County Commissioner District 6,” Lee said. “I have been humbled and honored by the enormous response I have received from the residents of Coffee County. I look forward to earning the votes of the District 6 voters in the next several months.”

Lee was born and raised in Enterprise and his roots run deep. His great, great, grandfather built the first residence in Enterprise in 1881 and became the first mayor in 1897. Generations of his relatives have since grown up here.

A graduate of Enterprise High School, Lee attended the University of Alabama where he played football for Coach Bear Bryant. After graduation, Lee taught at Enterprise High School and Enterprise State Junior College. Later he joined a successful hotel chain where he worked as a manager for many years. When an opportunity became available to fulfill a childhood dream, he became a deputy sheriff from which he retired.

Lee was appointed to the Coffee County Commission in June by the governor’s office. He is also active in the community as a participating member of the Coffee County Arts Alliance, Coffee County Republican Club, an associate member of the Coffee County Republican Women’s Club, an active member of the Enterprise YMCA, an “A” Club member of the University of Alabama and a member of the University of Alabama Alumni Association.

Lee and wife, Carol, live in Enterprise. They are active members of the Enterprise First Baptist Church.

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