Elba woman arrested in connection to murder - The Southeast Sun: News

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Elba woman arrested in connection to murder

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Posted: Thursday, March 29, 2018 9:55 am | Updated: 1:40 pm, Thu Mar 29, 2018.

The Elba Police Department announced Wednesday, the arrest of an Elba woman in connection to a March 27 incident that left one Elba woman dead.

According to a news release, Elba PD at approximately 8 p.m. on March 27 responded to a report of a vehicle crash near the intersection of Farris St. and Kendrick St., behind the Family Dollar in Elba, involving a pedestrian.

The victim, Tiera Burks, 20, of Elba, was transported by air ambulance to Southeast Medical Center in Dothan where she was treated and then later died due to the injuries she suffered in the incident.

The investigation into the crash revealed that the victim had been in an altercation involving another individual, which led to the victim being struck by the offender’s vehicle, according to the news release.

Further investigation by the Elba PD led to the arrest of Danae Ware, 33, of Elba.

Ware is currently being held with no bond at Coffee County Jail until her first appearance on the charge of murder.

Elba PD is requesting that anyone with further information involving this incident contact Elba PD at (334) 897-2555.

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