Public invited to city candidate forum - The Southeast Sun: Lifestyles

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Public invited to city candidate forum

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Posted: Wednesday, July 13, 2016 7:40 am

An opportunity to meet the candidates running for municipal office in Enterprise is open to the public Wednesday, July 20.

The Republican Women of Coffee County is holding a candidate forum July 20 at the Enterprise Country Club and each of the incumbents and challengers have been invited to speak.

“All the candidates were sent written invitations to attend and I sincerely hope they will take advantage of this opportunity to reach a large number of voters in this one location,” said RWCC President Johnna Roberts. “This election is just as important as our county and state elections. Remember, the winners will be working for you and you want to hire the best.

“The Enterprise mayoral and city council election is nonpartisan, so the RWCC will not, as a group, endorse any candidate in this race,” Roberts said. “However, we do feel it is important for our members to hear from the candidates in order to make an informed decision in the voting booth.”

Those who have accepted the RWCC’s invitation to participate in the political forum are mayoral candidates Kenneth Boswell, Milton Shipman and Lister Reeves; District 2 city council candidates Tommy Johnson and Eugene Goolsby; District 3 city council candidates Kirk Donaldson and Perry Vickers; and Rhett Marques and Turner Townsend, District 5 city council candidates.

The public is welcome to attend the meeting but reservations are required for planning purposes. The lunch part of the meeting begins at 11:30 a.m. The cost of the lunch is $12. The forum is expected to begin by 11:45 a.m.

Those interested in attending should contact Gail Evelyn at (334) 237-0909 or [email protected] for reservations to attend—with or without planning to eat lunch.

The public forum is being held as an effort to educate all who are interested in learning more about the candidates for office in the Enterprise Municipal Election to be held Aug. 23, Roberts said. “Seated council members who are not facing an opponent in this election will be offered an opportunity to introduce themselves prior to the start of the forum.

“We promote an informed electorate through political education and activity,” Roberts said. “This is a chance for people to meet the candidates and make an informed decision at the polls.”

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