How and when to fill the vacancy on the Enterprise City Council created when District 1 Councilman William “Bill” Cooper was appointed Mayor of Enterprise was decided at the Enterprise City Council meeting May 15.
Councilman Turner Townsend moved to formally declare a council vacancy in District 1 and to establish a process to follow in naming a replacement.
Townsend asked that an application, similar in substance to the volunteer service form currently being used for those wishing to volunteer on municipal boards and committees, be created.
A resume and letters of recommendation are required to be submitted. Townsend’s resolution required that the application be available at the Enterprise City Clerk’s office, in a conspicuous place on the city’s website and the city’s social media sites and be distributed to all media outlets that traditionally cover Enterprise City Council.
Townsend’s resolution called for the city clerk to certify that all applicants qualify to serve as District 1 councilman and that as applications are received and certified, they be distributed to the individual councilmen as soon as possible.
The deadline for applications is Tuesday, May 30, at 5 p.m. The council will make a selection at its council meeting Tuesday, June 6, at 6 p.m.
Councilman Al Miller asked the city clerk to let the record reflect that he was not in favor of the application process Townsend suggested. “I think that Councilman Cooper served his district for 30 years and I think that the council should offer him the same courtesy and respect as the others before him and (who have) been put in this same situation to allow him to have a very large input on who his successor is,” Miller said. “Nobody knows his district better than he does. I’d just like to state that for the record.”
Townsend said he agreed with Miller. “I think Mayor Cooper should have input and we should strongly consider anybody he brings forth,” he said.
Councilman Perry Vickers said he agreed.
The motion passed with Miller casting the single dissenting vote.
Giving heavy weight to Cooper’s opinion about his replacement was a thought echoed by Rev. Trevor Woolridge, pastor of Johns Chapel A.M.E. “My prayer is that the city council will be guided by the recommendation of Mayor Cooper in this regard,” Woolridge said.
“District One has a primary constituency of people of color,” Woolridge said. “It is our hope this city council will see the importance of that continuity. As I am sure each member of city council is aware of the history of this district and the legal fight that resulted in Mayor Cooper being able to represent that district.
“ Surely anyone can run in that district, however, it is up to the voters to decide,” Woolridge said. “My voice tonight represents the view of a very large percentage of this community that they be represented by someone from this community who will indeed by sensitive to their needs.
“Further, Mr. President, it is my hope that city council will rally around the new mayor lending support to continue the growth and prosperity of this city,” Woolridge said. “I know that most of you are new to city council and it is my hope that you will not allow political immaturity to govern important decisions as we move forward with a new administration.
“Even Stevie Wonder can see that this city has had very good leadership in the former mayor,” Woolridge said. “And with more than 30 years of experience by Mayor Cooper, along with his integrity, genuine concern for the residents of Enterprise, there is no reason to think anything else that better days are ahead.”
In other business, Councilman Perry Vickers was unanimously named Council President Pro-Tem and Council President Eugene Goolsby was unanimously appointed to fill the unexpired term of Cooper on the Water Works Board.
The next meeting of the Enterprise City Council is Tuesday, June 6. A work session begins at 5 p.m. in the mayor’s conference room. A voting meeting is at 6 p.m. in the council chambers. The public is invited to the meetings.
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