Carr elected to CCBOE - The Southeast Sun: Elections

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Carr elected to CCBOE

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Posted: Tuesday, November 13, 2018 3:04 pm

Political races for one Coffee County Board of Education and one state representative seat were decided when 46.84 percent of Coffee County registered voters went to the polls Nov. 6.

For the CCBOE District 5 seat vacated upon the retirement of longtime board member Rubin McKinnon, Republican candidate Brandi W. Carr was elected with 667 or 55.58 percent of the votes.

Independent candidate Marcus Brown earned 522 or 43.50 percent of the votes. Election results reflect that 483 voters in that district opted not to choose a candidate and there were 11 write-ins.

For the State District 90 Representative seat 311 voters—or 53.99 percent—chose incumbent Republican candidate Chris Sells. Democrat candidate Joanne Whetstone received 264 or 45.83 percent—votes.

Most of the local races were decided during the primary elections in June because the candidates do not face an opponent.

Running unopposed were Jimmy W. Holley for District 31 State Senator, Rhett Marques for State District 91 Representative, Mike Jones Jr. for State District 92 Representative, Joseph “Mike” Bailey for Coffee County Board of Education District 2, Galen McWaters for Coffee County Board of Education District 3, Sonny Reagan for Twelfth Judicial Circuit Place 1 Judge, Amy Reeves for Coffee County Circuit Clerk, Steve Blair for Coffee County Probate Judge, Dave Sutton for Coffee County Sheriff and Robert Preachers for Coffee County Coroner.

Coffee County voters approved all of the four proposed statewide amendments on the ballot. Amendment One received 11,937 “yes” and 2,487 “no” votes, Amendment Two received 10,663 “yes” votes and 3,623 “no” votes, Amendment Three received 8,871 “yes” votes and 3,860 “no” votes and Amendment Four received 10,187 “yes” votes and 3,448 “no” votes in Coffee County.

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