Enterprise chamber hosts ‘Peanuts, Politics 2018’ - The Southeast Sun: Elections

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Enterprise chamber hosts ‘Peanuts, Politics 2018’

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Posted: Thursday, April 26, 2018 7:15 pm | Updated: 8:01 pm, Thu Apr 26, 2018.

Twenty candidates for national, state and Coffee County elected offices shared their platforms with Enterprise voters during the “Peanuts and Politics 2018” meeting sponsored by the Enterprise Chamber of Commerce Legislative Committee April 26.

All incumbents and candidates registered for the June 5 primary election were invited to attended. Each speaker was allotted three minutes to address the standing room only crowd attending the breakfast meeting held at Cutts Restaurant.

Speakers included Rhett Marques, Lister Reeves and Clarke White, candidates for District 91 State Representative; Skip Neuwien and Dave Sutton, candidates for Coffee County Sheriff; Sonny Reagan and Josh Wilson, candidates for 12th Judicial Circuit Court Judge; Deann Cronk and Amy Reeves, candidates for Coffee County Circuit Clerk; and Philip Box and Robert Preachers, candidates for Coffee County Coroner.

Also speaking were Bobby Bright, Rich Hobson and Barry Moore, the Republican candidates for the District 2 Congressional seat and Democrat District 2 Congressional seat candidate, Tabitha Isner.

Rusty Glover was the single candidate for Alabama Lieutenant Governor that addressed the crowd.

Debra Jones and Brad Mendheim, candidates for Place 1Association Justice on the Alabama Supreme Court; and Bill Cole, candidate for Place 3 on the Alabama Court of Criminal Appeals also addressed the crowd.

Doug “New Blue” Smith was the single gubernatorial candidate at the “Peanuts and Politics” meeting.

The Alabama primary election date is June 5. July 17 is the date set should a runoff election be required. The general election is Nov. 6.

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