Boswell wins re-election - The Southeast Sun: Elections

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Boswell wins re-election

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Posted: Tuesday, August 23, 2016 8:01 pm

Incumbent Enterprise Mayor Kenneth Boswell is reelected to another term in office.

When the election polls at the Enterprise Recreation Center closed, 2,226 had cast their votes in favor of Boswell. Challenger Milton Shipman received 1,200 votes and Lister Reeves received 916 votes.

Incumbent District 1 Councilman Bill Cooper defeated political newcomer Anthony L. Britt with 298 votes to Britt’s 234.

Longtime Enterprise business owner Eugene Goolsby defeated incumbent councilman Tommy Johnson Jr. to win the District 2 city council seat. Goolsby had 645 votes to Johnson’s 372.

Incumbent City Councilman Kirk Donaldson was defeated by long time retired educator Perry Vickers for the District 3 city council seat. Vickers earned 611 votes to Donaldson’s 487.

In District 4, Councilman Al Miller was unopposed and was officially certified the winner at an earlier Enterprise City Council meeting.

Enterprise business owner Turner Townsend defeated incumbent councilman Rhett Marques for the District 5 city council seat. Townsend garnered 440 votes to Marques' 338 votes.

The Enterprise City Council will convene in a special called session at noon Tuesday, Aug. 30, in the council chambers at city hall for an official canvass of the election results.

The newly elected officials take office Nov. 7.

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