Mayor appoints department heads - The Southeast Sun: Elections

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Mayor appoints department heads

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Posted: Tuesday, November 8, 2016 3:35 pm

The current department heads were all reappointed to their positions at the organizational meeting of the Enterprise City Council meeting Monday, Nov. 7.

Enterprise Mayor Kenneth Boswell told those attending the standing room only meeting “there are certain mayoral appointments which the mayor makes as clarified by law.

“I had a meeting this morning with the following people to let them know, that as code permits, of their reappointment to their respective positions and to let them know that the appointment serves at the pleasure of the mayor,” Boswell said.

Boswell said he appointed Michael Walters as head of the engineering department, Shannon Roberts as interim public works department director, Christina Meissner as human resources director, Amy Marshall as city prosecutor, Rainer Cotter as city attorney, Billy Powell as Parks and Recreation Director, Meredith Brunson as tourism director and Jason Wright as communications director.

“On behalf of the mayor’s office and the team that has been put together, we promise that we will work daily to live up to our slogan, ‘City of Progress,’” Boswell said. “We have seen tremendous growth along with improved quality of life for our citizens. “This group that has been put together serves with the people in mind,” Boswell said. “This group of people puts the city first and that’s why I would stack them up against anyone.”

The next meeting of the Enterprise City Council is at 6 p.m. Nov. 15 at the Enterprise City Hall.

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