Qualifying for city elections over - The Southeast Sun: Elections

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Qualifying for city elections over

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Posted: Tuesday, July 19, 2016 4:59 pm

Twelve people qualified to run for city of Enterprise elected offices by the July 19 deadline.

Candidates who have qualified for mayor of Enterprise as of The Southeast Sun press time are incumbent Mayor Kenneth Boswell, businessman Lister Reeves and Enterprise native and retired Army colonel Milton Shipman.

Longtime Enterprise business owner Eugene Goolsby is challenging incumbent councilman Tommy Johnson Jr. for the District 2 city council seat.

Enterprise business owner Turner Townsend is challenging incumbent councilman Rhett Marques for the District 5 city council seat.

Incumbent City Councilman Kirk Donaldson faces longtime retired educator Perry Vickers for the District 3 city council seat.

District 1 Councilman Bill Cooper faces political newcomer Anthony L. Britt.

District 4 Councilman Al Miller remains unopposed as of press time.

The last day to register to vote in the municipal general election is Aug. 8. The last day for a voter to apply for a regular absentee ballot is Aug. 18.

“Everyone living within Coffee County registers to vote with our office,” said Coffee County Voter Registrar Denine Richey, whose office is located in the Coffee County government complex in New Brockton. “Some people who live within Enterprise city limits live in Dale County and need to register to vote with Dale County,” Richey said.

“If a person is registered to vote in another state, they are not eligible to vote in a city election here,” Richey explained. “You can only be registered to vote in one place at a time.”

All absentee votes for the municipal elections are made through the respective city clerk’s office and he handles all aspects of the city election—not the voter registrar’s office or the probate office, Richey said.

In Enterprise, all voters vote at the Enterprise Recreation Center for the municipal election.  “This is only for the city election,” Richey stressed, adding that for the presidential election in November, all voters will vote at their regular polling locations.

Alabama does not have a party registration law, Richey said. Therefore, a citizen does not declare a political party preference when registering to vote. “When there is a primary election, voters will be asked which party’s ballot they wish to vote for that election only,” Richey said. Municipal elections are non-partisan.

Aug. 8 is the last day to register to vote for the municipal election in Alabama, Richey said. “Any person may register to vote, provided that he or she is a United States citizen, an Alabama resident, at least 18 years old on or before Election Day, not barred from voting due to a disqualifying felony conviction, and not been declared mentally incompetent by a court.”

People may register to vote the same day that they move into the state and may register all year, except during the 14 days prior to an election and on Election Day.

Applications must be post-marked, hand-delivered to the board of registrars, or submitted at a participating agency-based voter registration location no later than Aug. 8, Richey said. The county website www.coffeecountyvotes.com has a voter application that can be printed out and hand delivered or mailed to the voter registrar’s office.

Voters may also register online on their computer or smart phone by 11:59 p.m. of the registration deadline at alabamavotes.gov or sos.state.al.us.

Richey said a citizen may register to vote when applying for, or renewing, a state of Alabama driver’s license or non-driver identification card, at public libraries, at the board of registrars located at the New Brockton Farm Center, at the probate office or at armed forces recruiting stations.

People may also register to vote at state and local government offices when applying or recertifying for Aid to Dependent Children, SNAP, TANF, Food Stamps, WIC, Medicaid, or Rehabilitation Services.

Richey said a voter should immediately notify their local board of registrars of any changes to their voter information, such as a change in name and address. “The law requires that any voter whose name or address is not correct on the voter list must provide current information before being allowed to vote,” she said. “The form to update registration will be available at all polling places on election day. If a voter moves to another county within the state, he or she must re-register in the new county of residence.”

All voting for the Enterprise municipal election is at the Jug Brown Recreation Center on East Lee Street. The polls will be open Tuesday, Aug. 23, from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m.

If necessary, a runoff election will be held Tuesday, Oct. 4.

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