Stayton seeks office of mayor - The Southeast Sun: News

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Stayton seeks office of mayor

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Posted: Thursday, July 14, 2016 12:15 pm

Jayme Stayton announces he is seeking the position of mayor of Daleville in the municipal elections in August.

Stayton is a long time resident of Daleville, moving to the area at the age of 18.

He attended Enterprise High School. Stayton worked 11 years for the city of Daleville in the street, sanitation and water departments. He also is a member of the fire and rescue departments as well as a reserve police officer. He worked in construction after high school for several years and now owns a construction business.

Stayton attends Haven of Grace in Daleville. He has coached T-ball, fast pitch softball and basketball for the last couple of years. He is engaged to Robbin Hibbs and will be married in September.

Stayton has a strong sense of family values and a love for this community. As a citizen of Daleville one of his concerns is making sure Fort Rucker is not closed or suffers cut backs.

As mayor, he would concentrate on bringing industry to Daleville that would utilize the skills of citizens in Daleville so they would not have to travel to cities in the surrounding areas for employment. After working for the city, he believes he knows the ins and outs of of how the city government works.

He believes Daleville citizens also deserve another grocery store and some entertainment venues. He would like to support events that would bring revenue to the city and help grow as a community. He will fight for Daleville to help it grow in a positive way.

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