Milton Shipman to enter Enterprise mayor’s race - The Southeast Sun: News

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Milton Shipman to enter Enterprise mayor’s race

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Posted: Monday, June 20, 2016 5:32 pm

Milton L. Shipman Sr., announces he is seeking his first term as Mayor of Enterprise in the city election scheduled for August 2016.

Shipman is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Bishop H. Fleming Jr., and is a 1978 graduate of Enterprise High School. He has a bachelor’s in Computer Information Systems from Alabama State University, a master’s of Strategic Studies from the U.S. Army War College, is a graduate of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, and has a systems automation certification from Army Signal School.

Shipman is a retired Army officer, where he served his country for 31 years. He started his military career in 1983 and in 1994 he left the Army and took a position with Kraft Foods as a senior network engineer. While at Kraft he helped to move the Kraft Foods network into the 21st Century, redesigning the help desk and remote access networks and designing and implementing business process efficiency programs. While working at Kraft, he also remained in the U.S. Army Reserve.

In 2004, he was called back to active duty with the 85th Division. In 2006, he was selected for the U.S. Army War College and was promoted to the rank of colonel in 2008.

Shipman’s last duty position was in Springfield, Va., where his job was to oversee the engineering, development, deployment, and sustainment of core GEOINT services for the military, coalition, and civilian expeditionary and crisis operations throughout the National System for Geospatial Intelligence.

“As the mayor of Enterprise I feel that ‘We the People’ must feel that they have meaningful jobs, our school system is the best, our kids have the best recreation center, and our elderly have the best center to support their needs as well. The citizens of Enterprise deserve fairness, openness, a clear understanding of city operations, and a council that can provide the citizens with key updates and support. While I have issues with meaningful employment and the school system, I am equally concerned about the way the city’s affairs are being conducted,” Shipman said.

Shipman is married to CSM Mia Shipman, of Columbus, Ga. She is a 1996 graduate of Baker High School, Columbus, Ga., and has a bachelor’s from Columbia College.

Shipman and his wife have three adult children and three grandchildren.

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