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The following schedule for the General Membership meetings of the NAACP Coffee County #5017 Branch for the purpose of election of officers and at-large members of the executive committee is listed below.

• On Sept. 8, at Hammond-Sconiers Funeral Home located at 305 Plaza Dr., Enterprise, at 5 p.m., there will be an election of the Nominating Committee of between 5 and 15 members. All members whose memberships are current as of 30 days prior to the meeting date may be elected to the Nominating Committee with not more than two being officers of the unit.

 • On Oct. 6, at Hammond-Sconiers Funeral Home at 5 p.m., there will be a report of the Nominating Committee, receipt of Nominations by Petition, and election of the Election Supervisory Committee. All members whose memberships are current as of April 1 of the election year may be nominated for office or as an at-large member of the Executive Committee. In order to sign a nominating petition, or be elected to the Election Supervisory Committee, a member must be current as of 30 days prior to the October meeting. 

• On Nov. 3, the election of officers and at-large members of the Executive Committee will take place at Hammond-Sconiers Funeral Home. Polls will open from 4 to 6 p.m. In order to vote in a Branch election, one must be a member in good standing of the Branch 30 days prior to the election. A form of identification is required.

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